I need your full name and DOB-month/day/year (On your ID/Passport) to cast this spell!

Welcome to EricPsychic!

You can check 3 options cast for this spell in my listing, including:
x1 Cast time
x3 Cast times
x7 Cast times (Discount 15%)
More cast times will attract more and better result.

- I don't take responsibility for wrong information like name, DOB you gave me. So I won't refund or recast for this case.
- You can't add any request or specific amount money to this spell, it's up to universe and other factors.

Please note, I don't serve spell/reading for people under 18!
This is spell cast service, so what you will receive are pictures of process ritual.

Money spell will bring good luck to you to earn extra money, gain more money in a raise, job offers, business opportunities, lucky money... It also warns and reduce the risks regarding to finance.

--- This spell won't work effectively with gamble!
--- Spell will last for 30 days

This service is offered for entertainment purposes only and I must state this in order to follow Ebay guidelines.