General Idea, AIDS Ring, sterling silver in black-velvet-covered jewelry box, title card (photocopy on vellum), in white cardboard box; box 7 x 6 x 4.5 cm; ring size 11; edition of one hundred plus one artist's proof, signed and numbered, 61/100, 1993/96. Self-published. Fabricated by metalsmith Paul McLure, Toronto. Based on Robert Indiana's LOVE ring.

"General Idea's Imagevirus series began in the mid-1980s with a work that replaced the word LOVE from Robert Indiana's iconic sculpture (which itself began as a greeting card graphic, created for the Museum of Modern Art) with the word AIDS.

Anticipating images going viral by many years, the collective used the graphic as a brand, incorporating it into paintings, posters, wallpaper, postage stamps (a Parkett Edition), chenille crests, t-shirts, flags, subway and bus ads, the cover of the Journal of American Medical Association, etc. The images has been displayed as, among other things, a Spectacolor sign in Times Square, an outdoor sculpture in Hamburg, and a poster in the New York subway system.

This heavy-duty sterling silver ring comes in a box is accompanied by a signed and numbered certificate."

-- from Artist's Books and Multiples webpage

General Idea's AIDS Ring is in the permanent collection of the Museum of Modern Art, New York, the Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam, and the National Gallery of Canada, Ottawa, among other collections, public and private.