Vault Hunter: Amara, The Siren
Items: 18 Total
Level: 72 - Mayhem 10
Platform: PS4 - PS5 - PC - XBOX
  • Please leave a message in "Note to Seller" or send me a message, detailing:
  • PS4/PS5 users: PLATFORM  and PSN ID (Example: "PS4 - HUGA_BUGA86")
  • PC users: PLATFORM and SHIFT NAME (Example: "PC - MC_BURN99")
  • XBOX users: PLATFORM and GAMERTAG (Example: "XBOX- GUNDAM68")
  • I'll send you a Friend Request within the next 1-2 hours of your purchase.
  • Items are delivered via Mailing System or we can Meet Up in Game.
  • In case you're online i'll join your lobby or send an invitation in order for you to join me.
  • In case you're not online (and wont be for a few hours) i'll mail you all the items if thats what you prefer.
Gear included in this build:

1Facepuncher x14-150/90% Weapon damage
2Facepuncher x14-100% Melee damage
3Psycho Stabber-150/90% Weapon damage
4Psycho Stabber-100% Melee damage
5StingerCorrosiveOn A.S.S trigger any effect
6StingerCryoOn A.S.S trigger any effect
7StingerFireOn A.S.S trigger any effect
8StingerShockOn A.S.S trigger any effect
9StingerRadiationOn A.S.S trigger any effect
10Fishslap (x3 roider)Corrosive50% Corrosive damage
11Fishslap (x3 roider)Cryo50% Cryo damage
12Fishslap (x3 roider)Fire50% Fire damage
13Fishslap (x3 roider)Shock50% Shock damage
14Fishslap (x3 roider)Radiation50% Radiation damage
15Muse3 Illuminated Fist +2 Laid BareAoE - Melee dmg - A.S dmg
16Knife Drain Static Charge-Melee damage - Mag Size - AoE
17Knife Drain White Elephant
Melee damage - Mag Size - AoE
18Cutpurse Launchpad-Melee damage - Mag Size - AoE