♡ Grounding ♡ Motivation ♡ Protection ♡ Strength

I have personally hand-crafted this beautiful crystal energy bracelet with love and purpose using natural AAA Red Tiger Eye crystal semi-precious gemstone beads in my healing space close to the shores of the beautiful Isle of Wight.  

Each and every crystal in this bracelet has been lovingly cleansed with white sage and palo santo, energised with both solar and lunar energies, and infused with reiki healing energy at master level.  I am a qualified Reiki Master/Teacher and Advanced Crystal Healing Practitioner.

Crystals can be worn for many reasons such as Crystal Healing, Reiki Healing, Chakra Healing, Meditation, Yoga or just for their pure beauty.

Tiger Eye combines earth energy with the energies of the sun to create a high vibrational state that is grounding and helps to draw spiritual energies to earth. Tiger Eye resonates with a grounding, practical energy that is uplifting and motivating. Tiger Eye’s energies support the correct use of power as it brings out integrity, promoting clarity of intention and assists in accomplishing goals. Tiger Eye differentiates what you want and what you think you want with what you really need. Tiger Eye integrates the brains hemisphere and enhances practical perception. Tiger Eye enhances the clarity needed in a situation bringing all parts together in a focused manner. Tiger Eye may be helpful in overcoming issues of self-worth, negative attitudes, and may alleviate feelings of depression and balance out mood swings. Tiger Eye resonates with energies for the long haul and supports efforts and perseverance over long periods of time and physical excursion.

Tiger Eye may be helpful in treatment for the eyes and aiding night visions. Tiger Eye is said to enhance cell respiration and metabolism. Tiger Eye may be helpful to support a healthy throat and for repairing broken bones. Tiger Eye may also be a helpful blood fortifier supporting a healthy endocrine system and balancing hormones.

Tiger Eye is known as a protective stone traditionally carried as a talisman against ill wishing and curses. Wear Tiger Eye to create and add to your personal bubble of protection.  Tiger Eye is a wonderful crystal for balancing the polarities; whether that be with your thoughts, moods, sharing a view point, or with your energies.

In addition to the healing properties of Tiger Eye, Red Tiger Eye is an energetically stimulating stone that may be helpful in overcoming lethargy and provides motivation. In healing, Red Tiger Eye speeds up a slow metabolism and increases a low sex drive.

Recommended Uses For Red Tiger Eye

♡ Anxiety

♡ Bruises

♡ Cravings

♡ Courage

♡ Exhaustion

♡ Fatigue

♡ Fear

♡ Focus

♡ Lethargy

♡ Low Sex Drive

♡ Luck

♡ Good Fortune

♡ Grounding

♡ Happiness

♡ Mental Clarity

♡ Motivation

♡ Pain

♡ Personal Empowerment

♡ Protection

♡ Self-Confidence

♡ Slow Metabolism

♡ Strength

♡ Tension

♡ Ulcers

♡ Vitality

♡ Willpower

♡ Yin/Yang Balance

Chakras Associations ♡ Root and Solar Plexus

Astrological Associations ♡ Capricorn

Planet Associations ♡ Sun

Vibration Number ♡ 4

Element ♡ Fire and Earth

Bracelet Details ♡ 8mm Natural AAA Red Tiger Eye Crystal Semi-Precious Gemstone Beads

Bracelet Size ♡ 7 inches (if you would like a different size,  please message me BEFORE purchasing)

Please note: As crystals are natural, each bracelet has it's own totally unique colouring and markings. 


Your bracelet will arrive beautifully presented wrapped in acid-free tissue paper inside a coordinating organza bag and will be safely packaged in a jiffy padded envelope.  If you would like me to post the package direct to the recipient, please message me directly after purchase to confirm the persons name and address.

Programming your Bracelet

While it is not essential to programme your bracelet to gain benefit from their healing properties, you can do so if you wish to focus the stones' energy on something specific. To do this, I suggest following these steps:

1. Spend a little time thinking about what you want from your bracelet and carefully formulate your intention.

2. Sit quietly, hold your bracelet in your hand and clear your mind of unrelated thoughts. Start to focus on your intention. You may state your intention out loud, or visualise the words of your intention - whatever you feel more comfortable doing. Repeat your intention several times until you feel the vibrations have been absorbed fully into your bracelet or mala. When you intuitively feel that the process is complete, it is.

I also recommend cleansing and charging the crystals in your bracelet or mala as this will help remove any unwanted energy the crystals have absorbed, and replace with a fresh vibrant healing energy.

Cleansing and Charging

A full moon and a new moon are especially powerful for cleansing and recharging the crystals and gemstones in your bracelet. You can place your bracelet outside or on a windowsill at these times. Even if it is a cloudy night, the moon's lunar energy will still energise the stones.

Smudging is also a very efficient way of cleansing crystals and gemstones. You can use white sage, palo santo, sweetgrass, sandalwood or even incense.  Simply burn the smudge stick or incense and pass your bracelet or mala through the smoke. This will clear the stones of all negative energy.

It is completely natural for sterling silver to tarnish over time, so I recommend cleaning with a quality soft jewellery polishing cloth to bring back it’s beautiful shine.  I do not recommend using a silver dip as it is packed with harsh chemicals that are highly likely to damage the crystals.

Please remember your jewellery is delicate and fragile, so should be treated with care.

It is advisable to avoid spraying perfume or hairspray directly onto your jewellery, and removing it before taking a shower, bath or swimming.


For your peace of mind I offer a lifetime re-stringing service on all my stretch bracelets, as I understand and appreciate that accidents can happen.


Please note that while the descriptions of the properties, qualities and meanings of the crystals refer to healing benefits, they are not intended to replace diagnosis of illness or ailments, and do not imply a guarantee of effect.  Crystals and crystal healing may offer a treatment which is supportive of your healing but they do not offer a direct cure for physical ailments as they work on the vital energy level.  Always consult your doctor or other health professional in the case of illness.

I strive to keep my designs, concepts and photography original.  All rights reserved © 2011 - 2020.  ALL designs, concepts and photography are the intellectual property of Mala Kamala.