Spinach - Trombone F1 - 150 seeds - Plastic Free Packaging

This slow growing, smooth and succulent leaf spinach has dark leaves. It has a good bolt tolerance and flexibility in sowing times at both ends of the season makes it ideal for home gardeners. Use as mature leaf or as baby leaf. Mildew resistant 1-11, 13 & 15.

As you can grow this from March to October it is excellent to grow on its own or use as a catch crop in between others, so choose to pick early and use in salads as baby leaves or at full size. Like most spinach, it does not like hot weather and is likely to bolt. Trombone F1 is Mildew resistant 1-11, 13 & 15.

In terms of growing, spinach does best in moist, nitrogen-rich soil. Spinach plants form a deep taproot so for best growth, loosen the soil at least 1 foot deep before planting. You can sow spinach seed as early as six weeks before the last frost or as soon as you can work the soil. Ideally prepare the soil the previous autumn, and you'll be able to drop the seeds in barely thawed ground come spring. In areas with a long, cool spring, make successive plantings every 10 days until mid-May. In warm climates, plant spinach in the shade of tall crops such as corn or beans. The young plants will be spared the hottest sun and be ready for harvest in autumn or winter. Using cold frames or heavyweight row covers, you can grow spinach all winter in many parts of the country. In colder regions, try planting in October and protecting the young plants through winter for a spring harvest. Spinach seed doesn’t store well, so buy fresh seeds every year. 

Sow them one half inch deep and two inches apart in beds or rows. If the weather isn’t extremely cold, seeds will germinate in five to nine days. Spinach produces beautifully in cool autumn conditions, but it’s tricky to persuade the seed to germinate in the hot conditions of late summer. Sow seed heavily, because the germination rate drops to about 50% in warm weather, and water the seed beds frequently — even twice a day — because watering helps to cool the soil.

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