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The Base are made of SG2000L high quality casting resin, SG2000L is a very good resin to work with, its hard but not brittle, it can be sanded cut and drilled (being a solid base lets you drill further down and give your pins a better grip) . Another advantage is it dose not smell, resin normally stinks but this has only a very slight odor.
Please were respirators when sanding however, the dust is just as bad as normal resin dust.

This is resin is really much tougher than normal casting resin too, i deliberately dropped these walls on a stone floor several times and have not damaged them at all.

Bases supplied assembled and unpainted

​This price is for 10 Random bases of the possible 30 designs.

These bases are great for any urban environment if painted dark gray dry-brushed light gray and given a thin black wash.
They can also be used as alien worlds if painted in suitable colours like reddish brown for mars.