Abrahamus Ortelius (Anvers, 1527 – 1598).

"BRITANNIA" , Brittany, France.

Italian edition, 1667 ca.

ORTELIUS' main work, the THEATRUM ORBIS TERRARUM, 70 Maps on 53 sheets etched by German painter Frans Hogenberg (1535-90), since his first Edition (in latin, 1570), was such an extraordinary commercial success it was re-printed and published without interruption from 1570 onwards (while author living - 25 editions, post mortem {Ortelius' death in 1598} until 1612 always updated with new maps).

Text in Italian, by FILIPPO PIGAFETTA (1533-1604), Vicenza nobleman, traveler with excellent literary knowledge, Army engineer and diplomat (at the service of Grand Duke of Tuscany FERDINANDO de'MEDICI, during the dreadful wars against Turkey, and theoretician of trade potentiality of the newborn free port of Livorno).

He met and knew ORTELIUS in 1591 and the present text was written during years 1602-03; the edition, updated with a large number of maps, came to light and was issued in Anvers in 1608.

Etching on copperplate. 

Eau-forte sur cuivre.

Published in Anvers, 1667 ca.

Publié à Anvers autour du 1667.

Uncoloured as published.

Noir et blanc comme de publication.

Excellent impression on laid paper datable second half XVIIth century. 

Excellent impression sur papier vergé datable deuxième moitié du XVII siècle.

Italian text below and on the reverse.

Texte en italien au dessus et au verso.

Perfect state of conservation.

En parfait état de conservation.

Size/Format: 195mm(H) by 140mm(L) (sheet).