"PERSIA", Percici Stue Sophorum Regnit Tipus.

Brescia, 1599.

Giovanni Botero (Bene Vagienna, [Cuneo] 1544- Torino 1617) was a Jesuit, a student in Rome at the Roman College; and then cardinal Federico Borromeo's secretary and later in Milan to his cousin, Carlo Borromeo.

He was hostile to Niccolò Machiavelli's théories, of who defines ?rea e falsa? the reason of state, which comes to theorise religion as a State tool, hoping for moderation and justice by the rulers. 

L'editio princeps, dedicated to Carlo Emanuele I of Savoy, was issued in Venice in 1591, deeply affected from recent geographical discoveries and from the spread of Christianity in Asia and Africa by the company of Jesus. 

Since, the "Relationi" was reissued with corrections and additions until 1618, increased in size and intentions, developing as a vast repertoire not only geographic and anthropological, but also demographic and more broadly political, in all states of the world. 

Etching on copperplate.

Very good impression, watercolour by hand.

Text in Italian.

Size/Format: 195mm (H) by 140 (L) [sheet]