Sedum Pachyphyllum 'Jellybeans' Succulent hardy plant unrooted with 5 cm pot

Sedum Pachyphyllum and more commonly known as Jellybeans, is one of the more attractive succulents available because of the red tinges which will appear on the outer edge of the jellybean shaped leaves. This plant is native to Mexico and it can stand quite low temperatures of up to -10°C as long as the plant is kept completely dry during the winter months. This plant will readily start branching out and will form a bushy plant in no time.

Plants will be provided as unrooted stem cuttings with the size as shown in the photos. We will provide you with a 5 cm pot filled with soil. As soon as you receive the plant simply just make a hole in the soil with a pen or pencil and pop in the unrooted cutting and it will soon start growing away.