Some people call it a wild tomato, others say it’s naturalized or an escaped crop. Common names include Sticky Nightshade (not at all original)  Morelle de Balbis, and Fire & Ice Plant .  It can be found not only in gardens but in the wild around the world. A native of South America, particularly Paraguay, it’s a hardy nightshade that reseeds itself and gets along quite nicely without man’s attention. The fruit develops in a husk (calyx) that is totally covered with spines (unlike the Horsenettle which has spines but no husk.) Then the husk, which is slightly bullet shape, folds back to reveal a bright red cherry-tomato like fruit. Interior flesh is yellow and seeds resemble cherry tomato seeds. 

Quality control * This seeds has been carefully tested to ensure high germination.

Prior to use, store in a dry cool place. 

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