The Wonderful Wizard of Oz
L. Frank Baum

The Wonderful Wizard of Oz is the first in the series of fourteen novels recounting the adventures of the now legendary Dorothy Gale and her trio of companions in the magical Land of Oz. The story is well-known and woven into the cultural fabric of America. Swept away from her Kansas farm in a cyclone, she, her dog Toto and their falling house land in Oz, killing the Wicked Witch of the East, the ruler of the Munchkins. She is greeted by Glinda, the Good Witch of the North, who gives her the magical Silver Shoes of the Wicked Witch of the East and directs her to seek the help of the Wizard of Oz in the Emerald City by following the Yellow Brick Road. She meets and frees the Tin Man, the Scarecrow, and the Cowardly Lion, who befriend and accompany her. After a successfully series of ordeals and challenges that test her courage and faith she is happily returned to her home through the power of the Silver Shoes.

Written by L. Frank Baum and illustrated by W.W. Denslow, the book was only published when plans were made for a musical stage play at the Grand Opera House in Chicago to promote the novel. The book was an immediate hit upon publication in late 1900, selling out its entire first edition and most of the second edition within a month of publication well before the musical opened in June of 1902 and went on to become a hit on Broadway. The book sold over a million copies by the time the famous movie version The Wizard of Oz was released in 1939. Productions and adaptations continue to this day, Wicked being the most recent.

Product Details

Read by: Phil Chenevert
Length: 4 hours 6 minutes
Type: Solo reading
Media: MP3 CD
Package: CD jacket
Item No: CJ-1087
EAN: 0686175924510 
List Price: $9.99


Book Coordinator: Phil Chenevert
Meta Coordinator: Elizabeth Klett
Proof Listener: MaryAnn

Cover: Interior title plate of The Wonderful Wizard of Oz, 1900
DVD Inset: 1900 front cover, George M. Hill, Chicago, New York

The Recordings

About MP3 Audio
This MP3 digital audiobook is duplicated on compact disc in the MP3 audio format and is designed to play on any computer. It will play on CD and DVD players that are designed with MP3 capability. The files contained in an MP3 CD can be imported and played on mobile devices such as the iPod, iPhone, iPad, Android tablets and smart phones and on PSP (Play Station Portable) and PDA (Personal Digital Assistant) devices. Your CD/DVD player or mobile device owner’s manual should specify whether the device has MP3 compatibility. If the device is not directly compatible with the MP3 Audio format, the files on the MP3 CD can be copied onto a computer drive and then played on the computer media player or transferred to a mobile device.

The Recordings
These recordings were made using the author’s original published work, which is in the public domain. The readings were recorded by members of, which has generously made the recordings available to the public domain. While Librivox condones the sale and distribution of these recordings, it is not associated with the management or operations of MP3 Audiobook Classics. The audio files have been lightly edited and have been engineered using professional audio tools for maximum sonic quality. We spend considerable time and effort to ensure the recordings are free of noise, equalized for maximum listener pleasure, and that tracks are leveled and normalized to provide a consistent listening experience.

Table of Contents

Track   Chapter                                                 Length

01   01 - The Cyclone                                           7:26
02   02 - The Council With the Munchkins         12:06
03   03 - How Dorothy Saved the Scarecrow     12:02
04   04 - The Road Through the Forest                8:53
05   05 - The Rescue of the Tin Woodman         12:10
06   06 - The Cowardly Lion                                 9:25
07   07 - The Journey to the Great Oz               11:24
08   08 - The Deadly Poppy Field                      12:07
09   09 - The Queen of the Field Mice                 8:53
10   10 - The Guardian of the Gates                  12:22
11   11 - The Emerald City of Oz                        22:26
12   12 - The Search for the Wicked Witch        22:36
13   13 - The Rescue                                           7:18
14   14 - The Winged Monkeys                          11:26
15   15 - The Discovery of Oz the Terrible         16:49
16   16 - The Magic Art of the Great Humbug      6:04
17   17 - How The Balloon Was Launched          7:08
18   18 - Away to the South                                 7:23
19   19 - Attacked by the Fighting Trees              6:28
20   20 - The Dainty China Country                     9:38
21   21 - The Lion Becomes the King of Beasts  6:10
22   22 - The Country of the Quadlings               6:11
23   23 - Glinda The Good Witch
              Grants Dorothy's Wish                          8:28
24   24 - Home Again                                          1:03

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