Vault Hunter: Any
Platform:  PC - XBOX - PS4/5
Please leave a message in "Note to Seller" or send me a message, detailing:
  • PC users: PLATFORM and SHIFT NAME (Example: "PC - MC_BURN99")
  • PSN users: PLATFORM and PSN ID (Example: "PS4/5 - MC_BURN99")
  • XBOX users: PLATFORM and GAMERTAG (Example: "XBOX- GUNDAM68")
Keys, Maxed out skill trees, Eridium, 3000 guardian rank and Level up my character can only be delivered in-game (shift name).
How does the "BUY 2 GET 2 FREE" deal works?
  • You have to add at least 4 items to your CART then proceed with the purchase and you'll only pay 2 out of those 4 items at checkout.
  • The deal applies every 4 items, so you can add 4 -8 -12 -16- etc items to your cart, porceed with the purchase and you'll only pay half of the items at checkout.
  • I'll send you a Friend Request within the next 1-2 hours of your purchase.
  • Items are delivered via Mailing System or we can Meet Up in Game.
  • In case you're online i'll join your lobby or send an invitation in order for you to join me.
  • In case you're not online (and wont be for a few hours) i'll mail you all the items if thats what you prefer.
AiO: All in one, it means that said artifact, shield, grenade or weapons contains all the effects from all the other available gear type within the same category, for example the AiO shield can proc all the shield effects, from Adrenaline Initiative to Whiskey Tango Foxtrot (WTF Shield) and all the other shield effects in between.