Among chinuch voices in our generation, that of Rabbi Moshe Goldstein, Rosh Yeshivah of Yeshiva Shaare Yosher in Eretz Yisrael, stands out. Appointed by Harav Elazar Menachem Shach zt'l, to lead the first-ever yeshivah for youth who have strayed, Rabbi Goldstein has devoted the last 40 years to bringing thousands of disillusioned young people back to Torah.

But UpGrade is not about bringing children back. It's about prevention. In this volume, Rabbi Goldstein shares the wisdom he has culled from his four decades of experience, so that we, as parents and educators, can avoid the pitfalls that send children off the derech.

Through this book, we will learn how to transmit the Torah's timeless messages using methods and terminology that apply - and appeal - to this generation of children and adolescents.

UpGrade doesn't rewrite the chinuch methods of generations past; rather, it shows us how to adapt our cherished mesorah to modern-day challenges, and how to raise the next generation in a way that will bring nachas>/i> to us, and to Hashem.