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SUGHERO LAVATO BOLLITO E MACINATO polvere finissimo per produzione casalinga di boilies pop-up 

MISURA 0 -1 mm   (- di 1mm ) 200g   2 litri

Prodotto naturale biologicamente puro ottenuto mediante una selezione e un vaglio dei grani di sughero di alta qualità, bolliti per un'ora in totale assenza di inerti organici.

Our professional company is based in Italy, here you can find almost any product for Entomology, from pins of any kind to killing bottles, beating sheets , winklers , butterfly-sweeping nets and poles chipped washed cork , breeding containers and cages , ultra fine tips Tweezers Vetus and other brands, dissecting needles, forceps, scissors, high grade lab tubes of any shape and size, 25 different chemicals , cardboard transport boxes , display drawers , glassine sheets and envelopes for butteflies, Laboratory plastic and glass pipettes, centrifugal and freezing test tubes, HDPE and PP bottles , professional beakers and graduated tubes ,tube racks of any size , anything listed in single piece or small lots from in our catalog there are more than 350 items.

In our company, besides some workers we all are Entomologists, we do collect various families of beetles , my business partner and I have both lived half of our life in Italy and Greece this way we grew up surrounded by amazing locations full of beetles in any season of the year and this has helped us a lot keeping this passion for entomology for decades , the other partners of our company are Italians so we do speak and write Italian,and English.

We know well how hard the work of an entomologist is and with our products we have tried to help them, improving some classical equipments in our own way during these years of collecting and researches in the field, this is the reason we planned long time ago to start this company.

Many of our products are our own patents and all of them are designed and produced in our workshop , as an example : japanese triangle umbrella , beating sheets , aspirators, entomological glues, glue boards, butterfly nets many different preservant fluids for beetles and larves and other cleaning fluids ,we also used all these products for years and we still use them , for this reason we do guarantee all as well.