Infintity Intentions Happiness & Joy bracelet
made with 8mm natural gemstone beads and handmade solid copper moon bead

Sunstone-  brings luck and good fortune, it clears and energizes chakras, encourages optimism & enthusiasm, instills good nature, helps your true self to shine through happily. Sunstone helps to remove fear and stress. It also helps with self empowerment, self worth, confidence and independence.

Rose Quartz- is the stone of love, it purifies and opens the heart. Rose quartz is beneficial for trust and harmony in relationships, unconditional love, self love, self worth, friendship and removing negativity and replacing it with loving vibes. 

Citrine- energizes your life, it cleanses your chakras and helps with your intuition. It brings joy, happiness, wonder, delight and enthusiasm. Citrine also improves self confidence, self esteem, motivation, creativity, confidence and self expression. It brings emotional balance and releases negative traits, fears, phobias and depression.

Clear quartz- amplifies your energy, thoughts as well as other crystals. It will absorb, release and regulate energy. Clear quartz will also remove negative energy and neutralize radiation. Clear quartz is the master healer it balances and revitalizes your physical, emotional, mental and spiritual planes. It brings the body into balance and aligns all the chakras.

Black lava stone- Associated with the root chakra Lava Stone is a grounding stone that strengthens one's connection to Mother Earth. It can  give us strength and courage, allowing guidance, understanding and stability through times of change.  This calming stone is very useful in dissipating anger and It promotes positive behavior changes. Lava Stone is also known to enhance fertility. Lava Stone is also a wonderful aromatherapy essential oil diffuser.  Just add a few drops of your favorite essential oil and receive the added therapeutic benefits this stone brings.

Copper can conduct electrical impulses and magnify the energy transfer, from the healer or from minerals, to the subject of the healing.

Crystals and Energy Healing is not meant to replace conventional medicine or to be a recommendation of medical treatment or medication, but rather to complement and enhance it. Energy Healing should only be used with the understanding that it is not an independent therapy, but one that is a part of a holistic healing approach and I cannot make any medical claims about this item.

To determine bracelet size, use a flexible measuring tape or string and wrap around the smallest part of your wrist. If using a string, mark off where the wrist size is and measure next to a ruler. Add 1/2 inch for a tight fit or 1 inch for a looser fit. If you are unsure of what size to choose for someone else, the average woman’s size is 7, while the average man’s size is 8. The number of beads used will be determined by your bracelet size. If you need a custom size send me a message. 

These are natural gemstones. All natural gemstones are unique. Please allow for slight variations in color and size. Some beads may appear to have slight surface or internal characteristics due to their natural state. While every effort is made to represent colors as accurately as possible, slight variations may occur due to differences in individual monitor settings, flash used in photographing, and photo enlargement. Stones and money in photos not included.