Charley Chase plays a scoutmaster in Midsummer Mush who's trying to get his troop out to Idlewild which before it was an airport was quite a lovely piece of green back in the day. This short two reel comedy is about his adventures getting there as well as what happens at the camp site.

the beginning sequences of the film involving Charley in the city leading his young charges is a lot of fun. Charley manages to make life miserable for a certain traffic cop played in Edgar Kennedy slow burn fashion by Eddie Baker. The traffic jam he causes trying to help the cop is a riot.

While dealing with the cop Charley also finds the lovely Betty Mack heading to Idlewild and after that he's not too worried about his Scouts since his mind's on her. But let's just say his attempts at courtship fall short of the mark. 

Midsummer Mush is a good two reel comedy from Hal Roach Studios in a lovely 16mm print in excellent shape.

All films listed are part of a current prolific film producer`s library