The Picture of Dorian Gray - Ocsar Wilde MP3 CD Audio Book(Sony CD)

Dorian Gray — handsome, clever, wretched. With his boyish good looks and charm to boot, Dorian Gray is the embodiment of refinement, grace, and allure. As with all beautiful things, he knows his good looks will not last. That is until an artist completes a portrait of Dorian. When Dorian sees the completed oil painting, he expresses his desire to sell his soul so that the painting would endure the normal hardships that age ravages upon beauty. And so his wish was granted, and as decades passed on by, his immorality increased but he himself never ages a day. The painting, however, has had to endure all of Dorian’s misdeeds; thus, becoming a reflection of Dorian’s true character.

This is an MP3 CD and can be played on any MP3 compatible CD player, DVD player or computer. Easy to transfer to an MP3 player or iPod for listening to on the go!
All CD's are recorded on Sony or Philips CD's - not a cheap unbranded one! Will be shipped in a plastic protective sleeve.

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Please note that these recordings are from the authors' original work which is now in the Public Domain.  All readings and artwork are also in the Public Domain and therefore comply fully with the policies of eBay.