Cerium oxide. Cerium dioxide. Pure

Cerium oxide is a white or slightly creamy powder. It is a substance that, when mixed with water, is used to remove scratches or polish glass. With its help you can easily remove scratches and other damage that appear on the surface of the glass. All it takes is a bit of will and just a few minutes to restore the perfect gloss with the help of an ordinary drill, felt and cerium oxide.

Species: pure food

Name: Cerium oxide
Synonyms: cerium dioxide, cerium dioxide
Species: Clean technical
Purity: Pure 99.5%

CERU OXYGEN Product identifier: CERU OXYGEN
Other names: cerium oxide (IV), cerium oxide, cerium oxide
CAS No .: 1306-38-3
EC number: 215-150-4
Index number: -
Chemical formula: CeO2
Molar mass: 171.11 g / mol
Physical and chemical properties.
Appearance (physical form, color): solid, white or white cream to pale yellow
Odor: no smell
Melting / freezing point: 622 ° C
Flammability (solid, gas): non-flammable
Relative density: 2.55 g / cm3
Solubility in water and other solvents:
Easily soluble in the following materials: hot water
Soluble in the following materials: cold water
Very slightly soluble in the following materials: methanol
Insoluble in the following materials: ethyl ether
Auto-ignition temperature: not inflammable
Explosive properties: the product is not explosive
Oxidizing properties: the product has no oxidizing properties

How to polish glass with cerium oxide?
In order to remove scratches from the surface of the glass, mix the cerium oxide with the water in a 1: 1 ratio. The dense paste obtained in this way should be applied to the scratched surface and using a drill and felt pad made of hard felt or felt with a flex pad and polish the damaged surface. It is important that the drill speed is not too high - preferably 500-600 revolutions per minute. At the same time, we check that the mixture is not too dry. During polishing, we can use a sprayer with water, which will moisturize the polished surface from time to time, we also moisten the felt disc with water. You can also use professional mechanical polishers for polishing.

To achieve the best effect, polish the surfaces evenly, making small circles. In addition, it is recommended to polish the area around the scratches. It is important that during polishing, do not stay for too long in one place, because it can lead to a hollow on the surface of the glass, and in the case of car windshield can lead to the effect of a lens.

The best effect is obtained when the scratch is not too deep and is imperceptible under the nail. Packing 100g of cerium oxide is enough to polish about 6 car windows