2 oz Fresh Madagascar Vanilla Beans Grade B


These Vanilla beans come from the fruit of an orchid variety called Vanilla Planifolia.

·   Vanilla Bean Planifolia Grade B for Extraction

·   Color: Black

·   Moisture content : 22% - 24%

·   Vanilla Content, dry basis: 2.52%

·   Size: 5” – 6”

·   Flavor: creamy, sweet, smooth and mellow flavor

·   Product Style: Whole Vanilla Bean Pod

·   Shelf Life: 1 – 2 years (Depend on how to store)

·   Handling/Storage: Store in a cool, dry Place.

·   Dietary Preference: All Natural, Gluten free, Non-GMO

Shipping: Vacuum sealed packaging


Extract vanilla beans is very good choice for making classic vanilla extract, vanilla sugar