1 Out of Every 3 Veterans Suffer from PTSD.

This is Not a book about war stories!
Its a Story about a Young Boy, and what happened...

A Self Help Book with steps to take control of your life after returning from Combat or Trauma.

International Author Kevin Lloyd-Thomas is an Infantry combat veteran of two tours of Vietnam. Forward Scout, Machine Gunner, and Section Commander in a mechanized ready reaction and reconnaissance platoon, a platoon whose very existence became a controversy.

This book is full of practical advice and ideas that will guarantee your road to success.
Kevin tells of the mistakes he made, the bitter lessons learned, and how not to make the same mistakes he did.

Kevin shares his
  • breakthrough strategies,
  • techniques
  • tools
  • proven steps,

To get you firmly and successfully back on track to living the life of your dreams.

You will find out HOW TO:
  • Use the 7 Pillar to success
  • The 5 steps life plan
  1. Health
  2. Happiness
  3. Wealth
  4. Purpose & Passion
  5. Spirituality
  6. Business
  7. Finances
Signed Copy By the Author!