Pivotell Vibratime Junior Reminder Watch - with up to 16 daily alarms

With up to 16 alarms, the Vibratime Junior can be set as daily reminders to help children remember a variety of essential tasks such as taking their medication, visiting the bathroom, that they need to drink and eat, etc. 

At alarm time, the watch can be set to discreetly vibrate or beep, and the alarm time is displayed with a fun, colourful display. 

Alerts continue for 1 minute but can be cancelled earlier by simply pressing the button. 

The Vibratime junior has a rechargeable battery which can be charged easily through a USB connection, laptop or pc and takes only 1 hour to recharge. 

The Vibratime Junior is splashproof but not waterproof: do not wear in the bath/shower or when swimming.

Blue and pink colours may vary slightly from images.