The greatest comic writer of the 20th century, P.G. Wodehouse, would have had an astonishing career if he’d merely written 90+ novels and about a gazillion short stories, poems, reviews and magazine articles. But many devotees who adore Jeeves, Wooster, Mr. Mulliner, Uncle Fred, Lord Emsworth and the denizens of Blandings Castle, are unaware that he was in at the birth of the modern American musical theater!

With composer Jerome Kern, and lifelong pal Guy Bolton writing the books, Plum poured out a couple hundred lyrics for the early Broadway stage. Anyone who knows even a bit about those years will know that the “Princess musicals” with Kern are the acknowledged revolutionaries; but PGW worked with several other big-name composers, too, both in the US and in London. 

This CD is a trip through a trove of great musical material, most of which hasn’t been previously recorded. There are a couple of Kern hits here, but lots of delightful earworms by Schwartz, Hirsch, Novello et al.— and even a Sigmund Romberg number!

The album is available in digital form in several of the usual locations; but the CD includes a big fat booklet, just bursting with interesting info about the shows, their creators, Wodehouse, and the performers. 

Take a look at my other listings for the companion CD, The Siren’s Song. It’s 100% Kern and Wodehouse, and if you love Kern, you’ll get a kick out of those rarities from his early days.