(Thymus serphyllum)

One of the best low growing ground covers, Thymus serpyllum forms evergreen dense cushions 5 to 10cm (2 to 4in) tall. The stems creep along the ground rather than rise vertically and grow 10 to 30cm (4 to 12in) long.

Blooming from May through to August with clusters of flowers in shades of purple-violet, the plants flower so prolifically, you can hardly see the evergreen leaves below. There are very few ground covers that can be walked-on, but creeping thyme is one of them. It is suitable as a lawn substitute in small areas, an ideal ground cover to use between stepping stones or near to patios and walkways. Scented flowers.


Sow: March - June / September - October

Season: Perennial

Height: 4 inches / 20 cm

Width: 12 - 18 inches (30 - 45 cm)

Bloom Season: May - September

Bloom Color: Purple

Position: Full sun to partial shade

Soil Type: Well-drained, pH 5.8 - 6.8

Depth: Do not cover the seed but press into the soil

A perennial light-loving, drought-resistant plant - a shrub up to 20 cm tall, with a creeping stem. The leaves are dark green, the flowers are small, pink, with a pleasant aroma, collected in bunches. Used as a seasoning in home canning, added to tea.

In medicine thyme used for colds, nervous disorders, kidney, liver, and heart diseases.

In one place it grows up to 5 years.

Can be used as an ornamental plant on rocky hills, curbs, along paths.