1996 1998 1999 Hallmark Keepsakes Ornaments Cottontail Express Assorted In Boxes

1996 1998 1999 Hallmark Keepsakes Ornaments Cottontail Express Assorted In Boxes were preowned an displayed.  They are clean and in good condition.  When not being displayed they are kept in their original boxes which are included with your purchase.  The original boxes are clean and in good condition.

I have the following Assorted 1996 1998 1999 Hallmark Keepsakes Cottontail Express Assorted Ornaments In boxes available:

*  1996/Locomotive:  The engineer is calling "All Aboard!"  He can hardly wait till next year... and the year after next... when more springtime friends will arrive with their cleverly crafted railroad cars.  Together they'll create a most imaginative and colorful train -- just eggsactly the kind of help the Easter Bunny needs to make his early-morning run!

*  1998/Passenger Car:  Third in the Cottontail Express Series - Destination "Springtime"  on the Cottontail Express... Come see the countryside in bloom-- you'll love its flowery dress.

*  1999/Flatbed Car:  Fourth in the Cottontail Express Series - By the time the Cottontail Express has reached it's destination, There'll be two brand-new passengers arriving at the station!

Ordering is made easy from then built in drop down box within this EBAY listing.  TAB down to where it says "Year/Ornament".  Hit ENTER on the "Year/Ornament" that you want to purchase.  ADD to CART.  Repeat this process, until you have all the 1996 1998 1999 Hallmark Keepsakes Ornaments Cottontail Express Assorted In Boxes in your CART.  Make your purchase.

(LB) Hallmark Keepsake Ornaments #E