I cast spells of love, money, fertility, success, body image, health, aura cleansing, and removing hexes, curses, and roots.  These spells are performed by me and after payment has been received and require no working on your part.  
Please provide your full name, date of birth, and your intention or what you expect from this working.  Be very specific in exactly what you want to have achieved.  Provide as much information as possible for the best results. 

I will personally work your spell for 7 days

I only ask that you be receptive to have these changes manifest in your life.

About me:

My name is Terra. Some people would call me a witch. Perhaps I am. I don’t like labels. I’m just me. I am a practitioner of natural magick and have been practically my whole life. This craft has been passed down in my family for generations. We never categorized it, it’s just who we are and what we have always done. I can count back at least four generations of these wise women and men who have actively practiced the craft and have passed down their knowledge to me. I will continue the tradition and pass this craft down to my children. Ours is an eclectic practice.   Although my background and upbringing is in Hoodoo Rootwork, I practice with various elements from Voodoo, witchcraft, Wicca, paganism, Qabala, Native American shamanism, African traditional, Druidism, etc. I have been actively casting spells and practicing the divinatory arts for over 20 years now. I draw on the powers of the earth and natural world around me for my conjure with the understanding that there exists in all living things a spirit that connects all matter. It is in this realm of Spirit that the conjure occurs and the universe reflects it back to you.


I am required by law to state that this is for entertainment purposes only.  I am not responsible for outcome of said spell.