Do you suffer from chronic yeast infections, bacterial vaginitis, vaginal odors? Do you need to balance your PH levels? Or freshen up after your monthly menstrual cycle?

You don't have to live with discomfort or embarrassment any longer. You don't need to take prescription medications when nature provides the best alternatives. Boric Acid suppositories are a all natural solution.

I must say great care must be utilized when using Boric Acid, it is an acid that is found naturally on earth. No worries- it's completely safe to have up to 600 milligrams each day for up to two weeks at a time to rebalance your vagina's PH.

Why Purchase from us?

Well we carefully source our Boric from the best suppliers. On average a small container of Boric acid can be pricey. We sanitize all of our equipment and with gloved hands I carefully fill the pills with our own machine and make sure that the quality of our Boric is top notch. No fillers or junk at all in our product. You get 50 pills for only $12, and the guarantee that what you are putting inside your body is the safest purest ingredients around.

Thanks for stopping by my shop and  looking- Happy Ebaying. 

You will receive:

50 suppositories and two individually wrapped reusable applicators and instructions.


I am not a doctor or am I licensed to treat or diagnose medical conditions. I assume no liability for the misuse of these products. Use at your own risk. I cannot guarantee your outcome. You should discontinue immediately if you feel any discomfort. Should you feel burning or develop a rash, you need to be seen by a doctor. Boric acid is completely safe in small doses and cannot be ingested.