April 21st, 1944 Atlantic Press Photo of Notre Dame Cathedral of Rouen after bombing by the British "Terror Bombers".

"At the beginning of World War II in 1939, remembering the damage caused to French cathedrals in World War I, the Cathedral authorities protected the sculpture of the cathedral with sandbags and removed the old stained glass and transported it to sites far from the city.  Nonetheless, in the weeks before D-Day in Normandy, the cathedral was hit twice by Allied bombs. In April 1944, seven bombs dropped by the British Royal Air Force hit the building, narrowly missing a key pillar of the lantern tower, and damaging much of the south aisle and destroying two windows. In June 1944, a few days before D-Day, bombs dropped by the U.S. Army Air Force set fire to the Saint-Romain tower. The bells melted, leaving molten remains on the floor."

This is a GERMAN press photo, not allied.  Very rare.

1417/ Die Kathedrale von Rouen von englischen
Terrorfliegern schwer beschädigt.
Das Wahrzeichen der Normandie, die Kathedrale Notre Dame in Rouen wurde in einer der letzten Nächte von englischen Terrorbombern schwer getroffen. Während der Kampfhandlungen im Juli 1940 wurde das wertvolle Bauwerk von den deutschen Truppen, obwohl in seiner Nähe feindlicher Widerstand gebrochen werden mußte, VOI der Zerstörung bewahrt.
K.-Aufn. Kriegsber.: Mossdorf/Atl.. 21.4.1944

1417 / Rouen Cathedral by English
Terror aviators badly damaged.
The landmark of Normandy, the Notre Dame Cathedral in Rouen, was badly hit by British terror bombers on one of the last nights. During the fighting in July 1940, the valuable building was saved from destruction by the German troops, although enemy resistance had to be broken in its vicinity.
K. recording War report: Mossdorf / Atl. April 21, 1944

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