Capsules 'Crocodile Blood' - 80 caps. Siam SF

‘Crocodile Blood’ (80 caps.) – a preparation of Thai traditional medicine

The processing of raw materials (blood) takes place in four stages:

  • Checking for bacteria, fungi, viruses and other contaminants;
  • Processing in the form of a single heating to a high temperature (pasteurization);
  • Freezing;
  • Sublimation (drying).

As a result of processing, a substance is obtained that contains proteins, vitamins, trace elements (from trace elements, iron is the most) and an insulin-like agent IGF1.

Indications for the use of Crocodile Blood:

Insufficient blood counts (low red blood cells, platelets, hemoglobin)

Has an action similar to that of Hematogen. The impact is more intense due to the optimal chemical composition.


The drug contains the insulin-like agent IGF1. As effective as the artificial analogue, but without side effects. Impact – normalization of blood sugar levels.


Crocodile Blood promotes red blood cell and platelet production and increases hemoglobin levels. The result is improved resistance to aggressive radiation and chemotherapy.

HIV infection

The capsules has antibacterial, antifungal and antiviral effects that prolong the life of people with HIV infection.

Lowered immunity

Crocodile blood helps to strengthen the human body. Increases physical, psychological and intellectual stamina.

Athletes under intense stress

The capsules improves the body’s adaptation to intense physical activity.

The main active ingredients in the preparation:

  • Processed crocodile blood

How to use Crocodile Blood?

Take one / two capsules daily 30 minutes before meals.


One jar of crocodile blood contains 40 or 80 capsules.


Country of manufacture: Thailand

SIAM SF COMPANY LIMITED (Snake Farm) Reg. № 0105559082448

Registration number FDA* —  G 311/48 (U1DRG1022480031111C)

*FDA (Food and Drug Administration) — Federal Agency for Supervision of the quality of pharmaceuticals and food.
Government agency subordinate to the Ministry of Health of the Kingdom of Thailand.



Shipping cost:
For goods that cost more than $ 50 delivery free. The delivery is carried out by Thailand Post.

Delivery time:
Usually, delivery is carried out within 2-3 weeks. During the pandemic period there are delays.


We accept the following payment methods:

  • PayPal

Please contact us if you have any questions.


After sending the order, we inform the tracking number to the buyer for 1-2 business days.