Douglas McCurty est originaire de Baddeck Nouvelle-Écosse, le même petit village ou Alexander Graham Bell fait ses expériences. La mère de Douglas meurt alors que Douglas est encore jeune et Bell le prend sous sa tutelle, l´encourage à poursuivre ses études. Et lorsque celui-ci termine ses études, Bell l´engage. L’objectif est simple : faire voler un homme. Formant équipe, Ils construiront un appareil capable de voler et Douglas McCurty pilotera le « Silver Dart » à Baddeck, en Nouvelle-Écosse, le 23 février 1909. Cela se passait cinq ans après que les frères Wright et non seulement le premier vol au Canada mais dans tout le Royaume-Uni.

Born in Baddeck, Nova Scotia, he was known as "Douglas". He was schooled at St. Andrew´s College and graduated from the University of Toronto in mechanical engineering in 1906. In 1907, he joined Alexander Graham Bell´s Aerial Experiment Association. After co-developer Frederick W. Baldwin first flew in 1908, on February 23, 1909, McCurdy became the first person to fly an airplane in the British Empire when he piloted the Silver Dart off the ice of Bras d´Or Lake in Nova Scotia. In 1910, he was the first Canadian to be issued a pilot´s license and the following year he made the first flight from Florida to Cuba. At the beginning of the Second World War, he became Assistant Director General of Aircraft Production. He remained in that position until he was appointed lieutenant-governor of Nova Scotia in 1947. Douglas McCurdy established the first aviation school in Canada. He died in 1961.

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