US Army

Recon Embroidered Patch - Hook & Loop Back- US Ranger Airborne - LRP - Scout PLT


Recondo is an American military term for  RECONnaissance and commanDO for highly specialized infantry training  or a graduate of a Recondo School who led small, heavily armed  long-range reconnaissance teams that patrol deep in enemy-held  territory.


82nd Airborne Division
The 82nd Airborne Division was the only division in the Vietnam era  that was made up completely of airborne qualified troops. 50,000  paratroopers form three airborne infantry brigades and a variety of  other components of support. The Recondo School is located  approximately 20 miles from the outer drop zones on the Fort Bragg  military reservation in North Carolina. Five classes a year train  about 50 students each in a grueling three week class. For the first  two weeks, class begins at 4:00 A.M. with a five mile run, physical  training, breakfast and classes. In the final week, the day begins  with a helicopter jump, with assessment of patrolling practically  nonstop until students arrive back at the school. Graduates tend to  lose 30 pounds or more of weight during that time.

101st  Airborne Division
In late 1958 Commanding General of the 101st  Airborne Division, Major General William Westmoreland, noticed a  lack of proficiency in squad, fire team and patrol leaders during  the Exercise White Cloud. General Westmoreland was a veteran of the  Normandy invasion and knew the importance of small unit leaders and  individuals separated from their parent companies to take initiative  against superior enemy forces.

The United States Army sent  many of their officers and senior non-commissioned officers to the  eight-week Ranger School. However, since not every unit leader could  be sent to the course, Ranger School graduates were expected to  train their platoon or squad members in Ranger tactics. Thus, when  it was suggested to General Westmoreland that some of the 101st  Airborne's Ranger trained personnel start a school for the entire  division in Ranger tactics, Westmoreland recommended that Major  Lewis Millett command the school.

The course stressed  improvised demolitions, the art of patrolling and intelligence  gathering, recognition of enemy vehicles, woodlands survival  (including a segment on snake handling), land navigation,  rappelling, firearms skills of allied and enemy weapons, and  aggressive hand-to-hand combat drills. These skills were formerly  part of the Airborne curriculum during World War II. They were  dropped in favor of producing qualified paratroopers; it was seen as  more effective to provide the extra training through other courses  rather than fail candidates who had passed the main airborne  portion.

The exercises involved an airborne insertion  followed by patrolling, ambush, antitank, and sabotage missions,  escape, and evasion techniques. Leadership duties would rotate  between fire-team and squad members to test and demonstrate the  troopers' abilities. The module ended with the platoon being  captured by the enemy, taken to a simulated POW camp and resisting  interrogation. Troopers who received poor evaluations were  transferred out of the division.

Since the school  would specialize in small unit reconnaissance tactics the Recondo  insignia was designed to resemble a downward-pointing arrowhead to  signify assault from the sky and the hunting and tracking skills of  an American Indian. It was also white and black to signify day and  night operations, though when worn in combat it was black and  olive-drab. To distinguish soldiers trained in the States from those  later trained in Vietnam, a large ‘V’ was added beneath the word  ‘Recondo’ printed on top. The Recondo patch was worn on each  graduate's right breast pocket. To avoid confusion, the graduate of  the school would be considered a "Recondo" rather than "Ranger"  trained; the latter being a graduate of the Army Ranger School.

In 1967 the Recondo school at Ft. Campbell converted to a  provisional Long-range reconnaissance patrol unit prior to deploying  in Vietnam.

West Point (1960-1963)
In 1960, General  Westmoreland became Superintendent of the United States Military  Academy at West Point where he created a Recondo school for the  cadets. The Recondo course was later changed to a challenge that  individual cadets could undertake and it still exists today.

Vietnam War (1965-1970)
When General Westmoreland became  commander of the American forces in Vietnam he ordered the creation  of the MACV Recondo School at Nha Trang in 1966 to replace Project  LEAPING LENA, later Project DELTA. It consisted of Ranger-trained  5th Special Forces Group instructors who trained American soldiers  as well as members of other allied forces in the art of long-range  reconnaissance patrolling techniques. Most students had attended a  preparatory course at the divisional or separate brigade level  before attending. Usually the course concerned endurance training  and swimming lessons so the candidates could pass the physical  requirements. It also winnowed out most of the candidates who did  not have the physical, mental, and / or intellectual capabilities to  complete the more advanced training. Units with good preparatory  courses and candidate screening had higher rates of success than  those who did not.

The course was three weeks in length with  260 hours of classroom and field instruction that required a high  level of physical fitness, knowledge of patrolling techniques, first  aid, land navigation, radio procedures, and weapons familiarity, and  concluded with an actual combat patrol to demonstrate the students'  skills. The first week was conducted on the school compound and  consisted mostly of outdoor physical training and in-door classroom  training. The second week was spent outside the compound on Hon Tre  Island in the South China Sea practicing subjects, such as foreign  weapons familiarity, tower and helicopter rappelling, ambush and  escape-and-evasion techniques, and other field activities. The third  week was spent in preparing and conducting an actual instructor-led  combat patrol in the mountainous jungle between the massive naval  air bases at Nha Trang and Cam Ranh Bay where the enemy often took  position to mortar each base. During this patrol each team member  switched positions to learn all responsibilities and were graded by  the instructor. Graduates of this school received the MACV Recondo  patch and identification number.

Graduating students were  given questionnaires to evaluate the program so that it could be  improved. Later on the graduates were asked which skills and tactics  were most useful and which were least utilized so the curriculum  would reflect the needs of the teams. The MACV Recondo course had a  failure rate of 50 percent. Recondo School was disbanded once  General Westmoreland was replaced by General Creighton Abrams in  1968, who favored a more conventional approach to the war. However,  Recondo School succeeded in graduating over 2,700 American and 333  allied troops who shared their knowledge with their respective LRRP  / Ranger units, ensuring every LRPP unit in Vietnam spoke a common  language of long-range patrolling.

Post Vietnam (1973-1979)
Several infantry divisions re-instituted Recondo Schools in the post  Vietnam era to better train more small unit combat arms leaders. The  9th Infantry Division ran a Recondo School from 1976 to 1979 which  was 15 days long and included 272 hours of intense training. The  training camp was located in a series of old railway cars which  doubled as barracks for the students in a remote field location. The  cadre were mainly composed of former senior members of the 2nd  Ranger Battalion. The program of instruction included intense  training in patrolling, ambushes, small unit tactics, first aid,  rappelling, night navigation, riverine operations, and survival.  Constant mental pressure was applied to each student at all times  including 'salting' the railway cars with CS riot control crystal  which were a continual skin irritant to the students. Intense  physical training was provided with log drills, long distance  formation runs and intense periods of physical exercises. The 9th  Division Recondo School was unique in that it was open to both men  and women assigned to the post. However, there were no female  graduates during the course's period of operations and the course  averaged about a 50 percent attrition rate with most graduates  ending up with a 20 pound weight loss. The final exercise normally  included a platoon sized night raid on the old Fort Lewis Vietnam  Village. Graduates were awarded an arrowhead shaped badge with the  arched letters RECONDO on the top which was worn on the right pocket  of the fatigue shirt or left pocket of the dress green uniform.

FM 7-92

Washington, DC, 23 December 1992


The infantry reconnaissance platoon is a specialty platoon
comprised of infantry soldiers. Unlike traditional infantry platoons
whose primary mission is to kill the enemy, the reconnaissance
platoon's primary mission is to provide the battalion commander
information about the enemy. The battalion commander uses the
reconnaissance platoon to gather critical battlefield information.
This information is used by the commander and his staff during the
planning and execution of combat operations. This chapter discusses
the role, organization, missions, and employment of the  reconnaissance


The battalion commander and his staff determine the role of the  reconnaissance platoon. The primary roles associated with the  platoon are reconnaissance and to a lesser degree security. The  reconnaissance platoon does not have to kill the enemy to be  effective. By performing stealthy reconnaissance and security tasks,  the reconnaissance platoon makes it easier for the battalion  commander to maneuver companies, concentrate combat power, and  prevent surprise by providing him with current and continuous  battlefield information.


Leaders within a reconnaissance platoon should be the most  tactically and technically proficient soldiers in a battalion.  Reconnaissance leaders must understand how a battalion operates in a  tactical environment. They know their duties and responsibilities to  the battalion--to provide accurate and timely information.  Reconnaissance leaders are masters of stealth; they exercise  initiative in the absence of guidance; they are intelligent,  resourceful, dependable, and disciplined.


Soldiers within a reconnaissance platoon should also be the most  tactically and technically proficient soldiers in a battalion. The  reconnaissance platoon leader should be actively involved in the  selection of soldiers. Reconnaissance platoon soldiers are  physically fit; they are expert in skills such as land navigation,  communications, camouflage, individual movement, and survival. They  know the enemy's order of battle and equipment. They understand the  importance of their mission to the battalion and what is required to  accomplish that mission. Like their leaders, soldiers use their  initiative; they are intelligent, resourceful, dependable, and  disciplined.


The reconnaissance platoon in light infantry, airborne, and air  assault battalions consists of 1 officer and 18 enlisted soldiers  that are organized into a platoon headquarters and three squads  (Figure Figure 1-1). The reconnaissance platoon is equipped with  individual weapons, night vision devices, and communications  equipment. There are a total of 16 M16A2 rifles and 3 M203 grenade  launchers (one per squad). The reconnaissance platoon's mission and  geographic location may require a modified table of organization and  equipment (MTOE).

Figure 1-1. Reconnaissance platoon organization

a. Platoon Headquarters. The platoon headquarters provides  leadership and control of reconnaissance platoon operations. It  consists of the platoon leader, platoon sergeant, and two RATELOs.  The platoon headquarters controls and employs attachments provided  by battalion.

b. Squads. Each squad consists of a squad leader, assistant squad  leader, and soldiers. The squads perform reconnaissance and security  missions as directed by the platoon headquarters. Squads also assist  in tactical control and coordination.


The reconnaissance platoon is organized, equipped, and trained to  conduct reconnaissance and limited security tasks for its parent  battalion. The platoon's primary mission is to provide battlefield  information. The reconnaissance platoon also assists in the tactical  control, movement, and positioning of the battalion's companies and  platoons. The reconnaissance platoon is employed under battalion  control, but it may be detached for a specific operation. The  reconnaissance platoon can be tasked--

a. To conduct zone reconnaissance.

b. To conduct area reconnaissance.

c. To conduct route reconnaissance.

d. To screen within the platoon's capability.

e. To conduct surveillance of critical areas of concern.

f. To link up and conduct liaison.

g. To guide maneuver forces.

h. To conduct chemical detection and radiological survey and  monitoring.


The reconnaissance platoon leader has overall responsibility for  ensuring that the platoon accomplishes its mission. The platoon  leader must know the tactical strengths and weaknesses of the  platoon, and must determine the most effective and efficient method  of employing the platoon. The reconnaissance platoon prepares,  plans, and executes its assigned missions with the assistance of the  battalion staff. Primary and specialty staff officers provide  expertise for a particular battlefield operating system: the  battalion S2 provides information on the enemy and terrain; the S3  assigns missions and integrates the reconnaissance platoon into the  battalion plan; the fire support officer ensures that artillery and  mortar fires support the reconnaissance platoon's plan; the S4  ensures that the logistical requirements of the platoon are  satisfied; the signal officer ensures that the platoon's  communications requirements are satisfied. The reconnaissance  platoon leader should memorize the specific functions of the  battalion staff and use its expertise whenever possible. With the  assistance of the battalion staff, the reconnaissance platoon leader  has several aids in his "mental kitbag."

a. The reconnaissance platoon can operate as a platoon or as  separate squads under platoon control. The decision to work as a  platoon or squad is based on METT-T factors. The reconnaissance  platoon leader considers those factors while making his estimate of  the situation. The commander and his staff consider the  reconnaissance platoon's organization and abilities when planning  missions the reconnaissance platoon.

b. Reconnaissance or Security operations may require the platoon to  be more tactically mobile than the parent battalion. The battalion  can provide only limited organic transportation to the light,  airborne, and air assault reconnaissance platoons.

c. The platoon's small size limits its ability to conduct a zone  reconnaissance. The terrain, enemy situation, and time available  also affect the size of the zone the reconnaissance platoon can  reconnoiter. The commander must consider tasking other rifle  platoons to supplement the reconnaissance platoon for the intensive  reconnaissance effort required by a zone reconnaissance.

d. The platoon may only be able to reconnoiter a single route during  a route reconnaissance (depending on route length, enemy situation,  and terrain). If routes are short and enemy contact unlikely, the  platoon can reconnoiter up to three routes.

e. The reconnaissance effort of the platoon is established by the  battalion commander and his staff. The purpose of the reconnaissance  effort must be clearly stated. This prevents the reconnaissance  platoon from wasting precious time.

f. The ability of a reconnaissance platoon to conduct security for  the battalion is limited. The primary security mission assigned to  the reconnaissance platoon is the screen--either moving or  stationary. The reconnaissance platoon, in conjunction with infantry  platoons, can effectively screen the battalion's front, flank, or  rear.

g. The platoon's ability to conduct continuous surveillance is  limited due to personnel. METT-T dictates the total number of OPs  the platoon will establish. However, for continuous surveillance to  be effective, no more than three OPs should be established.

h. The distance that the reconnaissance platoon operates from the  main body is restricted by the capability of its communications  equipment. With its organic equipment, the platoon operates two  nets--battalion operations and intelligence net, and the platoon  net.


Training is the cornerstone of success. Therefore, reconnaissance  platoons must train for combat using the standardized training  literature and doctrinal manuals that provide reconnaissance leaders  with the correct procedures and principles to conduct training  properly. They should also refer to ARTEP 7-92-MTP to find the  specific conditions and standards for the techniques and procedures  discussed in this manual. Training requires leaders to use their  initiative and to make quick decisions. The training environment  must be realistic and stressful. Training must challenge soldiers to  master all infantry tasks, individual and collective, and it must  constantly remind them of their mission, of their heritage, and of  the physical toughness and mental stress that is required of them.  Platoon training also promotes the cohesion and determination of the  platoon so that, when plans go wrong, the platoon continues to carry  out the mission.



This chapter highlights the techniques and procedures considered by
the reconnaissance platoon when conducting tactical movement. The
reconnaissance platoon survives on the battlefield by using stealth
and dispersion, and by maintaining security in all tactical  movements.
The planning and execution of movement are integral parts of all
reconnaissance platoon operations. The reconnaissance platoon must
employ the proper movement formation and technique when conducting
movement. Regardless of parent organization, the reconnaissance
platoon may be tasked to conduct movement by foot, helicopter, boat,
or vehicle. This chapter discusses how the reconnaissance platoon
uses those modes of transportation. Also, it discusses how the
reconnaissance platoon is used as part of a battalion infiltration.


The reconnaissance platoon leader is responsible for planning and  coordinating the platoon's movement. However, if rotary- or  fixed-winged assets are used, the battalion staff accomplishes most  of the planning and coordination. Also, the specifics of when,  where, and how the platoon moves are directly linked to the  battalion's plan. The general location of the reconnaissance platoon  depends on the type of battalion operation-- for example, offense,  defense, or retrograde. In most cases, offensive or defensive  operations require the reconnaissance platoon to operate forward or  to the flank of the battalion. In retrograde operations, the  reconnaissance platoon operates in the rear area of the battalion.  When and how the reconnaissance platoon conducts movement is  established by the battalion S3 with approval by the commander.


Once the platoon leader understands when, where, and how the platoon  is to move, he coordinates the specifics of the movement with the  battalion S3. The platoon leader must always coordinate time  requirements. The type of mission being conducted is key in  determining time requirements. The platoon leader must advise the S3  on how much time he needs to conduct movement and also on how much  time is required to perform his mission. This is important,  especially when conducting reconnaissance operations. The  reconnaissance platoon should not spend most of its time moving.  Instead, this time should be spent reconnoitering. If the platoon is  establishing OPs to conduct surveillance, then the time  considerations are different. Once the platoon leader advises the S3  of the time requirements, the S3 allocates enough time for movement  or obtains transportation assets to move the reconnaissance platoon.  The platoon leader briefs the staff on the movement plan. This  prevents potential problems if the battalion changes its plan. For  fixed- or rotary-winged movement, the battalion staff coordinates  the details.


The reconnaissance platoon must be able to operate in enemy  territory and remain undetected. Regardless of whether the platoon  is en route to an objective or operating near an objective, the  platoon takes all necessary actions to ensure it remains undetected.  The probability of being detected is directly related to the  reconnaissance platoon's mission. A platoon conducting  reconnaissance has a higher probability of being detected than does  a platoon conducting surveillance. The platoon leader considers the  risks associated with each mission. The battalion commander assists  the platoon leader by expressing his acceptance criteria--the  acceptance of the risks associated with obtaining detailed  information. During movement, the platoon uses stealth to exploit  the natural cover and concealment of the terrain. When possible, the  platoon moves when visibility is reduced such as during darkness,  fog, snow, or rain. It uses rough, swampy, or heavily vegetated  terrain to avoid detection. All members of a reconnaissance platoon  must be masters of stealth. Leaders must be proactive in their  efforts to avoid detection. (Appendix F discusses the action taken  by the platoon when contact is made.)


Security involves not only the platoon's security but also the  battalion's security. Security during movement includes those  actions the reconnaissance platoon takes to protect itself and those  tasks given to the platoon to provide security for the battalion.  The platoon and squads enhance their own security during movement  through the use of covered and concealed terrain; the use of the  appropriate movement formation and technique; the actions taken to  secure danger areas during crossing; the enforcement of noise,  light, and radiotelephone discipline; and the use of proper  individual camouflage techniques. When tasked to screen the flank or  front of the battalion, the reconnaissance platoon must ensure that  the main body is not surprised by the enemy. This requires the  reconnaissance platoon to move in relation to the protected force.  (Screening operations are discussed in Chapter 5.)


The platoon leader coordinates for fire support with the battalion  FSO and, when possible, the mortar platoon leader. The FSO advises  the platoon leader on available assets and possible target  locations. The platoon leader requests necessary adjustments to the  initial fire support plan based on his needs. The platoon leader  also briefs the FSO on the platoon's route and final location. The  platoon leader must ensure that targets are planned along the route.  If the FSO is aware of the platoon's location, he can prevent  possible calls for fire on the platoon. The FSO also advises the  platoon of preplanned fires and locations where the use of indirect  fires are prohibited. (See Chapter 7 for information on the  reconnaissance platoon's use of fire support.)


This section discusses how the reconnaissance platoon uses movement  formations and techniques when conducting tactical movements. The  platoon leader designates the appropriate movement formation and  technique based upon analysis of METT-T and OAKOC (The organization  of the reconnaissance platoon requires modification of the  formations as found in FM 7-8.)


Formations are arrangements of elements and soldiers in relation to  each other. Squads use formations for control, flexibility, and  security. Squad leaders choose formations based upon their analysis  of METT-T and OAKOC or based upon guidance from the platoon leader.  Squad leaders are up front in formations. This allows the squad  leader to control the movement and location of individual soldiers.  Each soldier within a squad or platoon formation is responsible for  maintaining security for a designated area. Squad leaders or the  platoon leader assigns additional duties such as compass man and  pace man. These soldiers assist the leader with the navigation. The  senior leader within a formation is always responsible for the  navigation. When necessary, an alternate pace man and compass man  can be designated. The wedge and file are the basic squad  formations.

a. Wedge Formation. The wedge formation is the basic formation for  the squad (Figure 3-1). The interval between soldiers in this  formation is normally 10 meters. The wedge expands and contracts  depending on the terrain. When rough terrain, poor visibility, or  other factors make control of the wedge difficult, the wedge must be  modified. The normal interval is reduced so that all members can see  the squad leader. The sides of the wedge can contract to the point  that the wedge resembles a single file. When moving in less rugged  terrain where control is easier, soldiers resume their original  positions.

Figure 3-1. Squad wedge formation.

b. File Formation. When the terrain precludes use of the wedge or  when operating during limited visibility, the squad uses the file  formation (Figure 3-2).

Figure 3-2. Squad file formation.


The reconnaissance platoon normally moves as separate squads under  the control of the platoon leader or platoon sergeant. Although the  platoon moves by squads, there are times when the platoon leader  chooses to move as a platoon. This decision is based upon METT-T and  OAKOC. When moving as a platoon, the platoon moves in column, wedge,  or file formations.

a. Platoon Column. The platoon column formation is the primary  movement formation used by the reconnaissance platoon when moving as  a platoon (Figure 3-3). It provides good dispersion both laterally  and in depth and simplifies control. If contact is made, the lead  squad becomes the base squad.

Figure 3-3. Platoon column formation.

b. Platoon Wedge. The platoon wedge formation has two squads in the  rear that overwatch or trail the lead squad (Figure 3-4). It allows  the platoon leader to make contact with a small element (squad) and  still have one or two squads to maneuver. The lead squad is the base  squad.

Figure 3-4. Platoon wedge formation.

c. Platoon File. The platoon file formation may be set up in several  ways. One method is to have three-squad files follow one another  using one of the movement techniques. Another method is to have a  single-platoon file with a front security element (point) and flank  security elements. This formation is used when visibility is poor  due to terrain, vegetation, or light conditions. The distance  between soldiers is less than normal; this allows messages to be  passed up and down the file (Figure 3-5).

Figure 3-5. Platoon file formation with flank security.


A movement technique is the manner in which the reconnaissance  platoon traverses terrain. The three movement techniques are  traveling, traveling overwatch, and bounding overwatch. The platoon  leader selects a movement technique based on the likelihood of enemy  contact and the need for speed. Factors considered for each  technique are control, dispersion, speed, and security ( Table 3-1).

Table 3-1. Movement techniques, uses, and characteristics.

a. Platoon Movement Technique. The platoon leader determines and  directs the movement technique that the reconnaissance platoon will  use.

(1) Traveling. Use traveling when enemy contact is not likely and  speed is needed (Figure 3-6).

Figure 3-6. Platoon traveling.

(2) Traveling overwatch. Use traveling overwatch when contact is  possible but speed is needed (Figure 3-7). The platoon leader moves  where he can best control the platoon. The platoon sergeant travels  with the trailing squad though he is free to move throughout the  formation to enforce security, noise and light discipline, and  distance between squads.

Figure 3-7. Platoon traveling overwatch.

(3) Bounding overwatch. Use bounding overwatch when contact is  expected (Figure 3-8). The platoon leader makes the decision to use  successive or alternate bounds.

(a) One squad bounding. One squad bounds forward to a chosen  position. This element becomes the overwatching squad unless contact  is made en route. The squad leader chooses the movement formation or  individual movement technique for his squad.

(b) One squad overwatching. One squad overwatches the bounding squad  from covered positions. The squad leader selects a position that  allows the overwatching element to place direct fire in support of  the bounding squad. Soldiers scan their assigned sector and maintain  visual contact with the bounding squad, if possible. The platoon  leader remains with the overwatching squad.

(c) One squad awaiting orders. One squad is uncommitted and ready  for employment as directed by the platoon leader. The platoon  sergeant and leader of the squad awaiting orders position themselves  close to the platoon leader.

Figure 3-8. Platoon bounding overwatch.

(d) Considerations. When deciding where to have the bounding squad  go, the platoon leader considers the following:

+ Requirements of the mission.

+ Where the enemy is likely to be.

+ Ability of the overwatching element's weapons to cover the bound.

+ Responsiveness of the rest of the platoon.

+ Fields of fire at the next overwatch position.

(e) Instructions. Before a bound, the platoon leader gives an order  to his squad leaders from the overwatch position. He tells and shows  them the following:

+ Direction or location of the enemy (if known).

+ Positions of the overwatching squad.

+ Next overwatch position.

+ What to do after the bounding squad reaches the next position.

+ What signal the bounding squad will use to announce it is prepared  to overwatch.

+ How the squad will receive the next orders.


For the reconnaissance platoon, organizing, planning, and conducting  tactical movement should be second nature. The reconnaissance  platoon conducts movement by foot, helicopter, boat, or vehicle.  This section discusses techniques and considerations the  reconnaissance platoon uses when conducting tactical movement.


Regardless of the means of transportation into an area of operation,  the reconnaissance platoon eventually moves on foot to accomplish  its mission. The ability of the platoon to accomplish its mission is  directly related to how it uses the terrain. The reconnaissance  platoon avoids enemy contact by using the most effective movement  formation and technique and by maintaining security. When planning  for movement, the platoon leader considers the following:

* Departure and reentry of friendly lines.

* Route selection.

* Land navigation.

* Control measures.

a. Departure and Reentry of Friendly Lines. The reconnaissance  platoon must ensure that departure and reentry of friendly lines are  coordinated and that everyone understands the plan. The platoon  leader coordinates directly with the unit through which the platoon  will pass. The battalion S3 provides a location and time for link up  with the stationary unit. Once the platoon leader has this  information, he coordinates the following:

(1) The leader provides--

o Identification (himself and his platoon).

o Number of personnel.

o Time and location of passage point (departure and return).

(2) The stationary unit provides--

o Terrain details.

o Obstacles and lanes.

o Known or suspected enemy locations or activity.

o Possible danger areas.

o Fire plan, patrols operating forward of the position.

o Signal and communications information.

o Code words, challenge, and passwords.

o Contingency plan for enemy contact.

o Casualty/vehicle evacuation assistance.

o Additional support that can be furnished.

(3) At the designated time, the platoon arrives at the linkup point  and makes contact with the guide (Figure 3-9). The guide leads the  platoon leader to the CP or directly to the passage point to make  final coordination. The platoon moves to the IRP or occupies a  security position and waits for the platoon leader to return.

Figure 3-9. Departure from friendly lines.

(4) The platoon leader then makes the final coordination with the  commander or his designated representative. The platoon leader is  briefed on changes that have taken place and on recent enemy  activity that could affect the reconnaissance platoon.

(5) Upon returning from final coordination, the platoon leader  issues a FRAGO to cover changes. The technique for passing through  friendly units depends on the situation. The three situations and  techniques are--

(a) Ambush and chance contact. If the platoon leader learns the  enemy is operating directly forward of the friendly position, he  takes steps to avoid enemy contact. From the friendly side of the  departure point, the reconnaissance platoon sends the lead squad to  see if the area forward of the passage point is clear. The lead  squad checks the area to identify an area large enough to allow the  platoon to conduct a security halt or to maneuver if engaged. This  area is normally close to a designated TRP. The lead squad notifies  the platoon leader when the area is clear, then the platoon moves  through the passage point to the designated area.

(b) Indirect fire. If the enemy is using indirect fire, the platoon  should not halt after final coordination at the forward CP. It  quickly moves through the friendly position to reduce exposure to  enemy fire.

(c) Night observation. Enemy limited visibility capabilities are  countered by taking the following countermeasures:

+ Use a well-hidden passage point such as a reverse slope or dense  woods.

+ Infiltrate through the passage area and rendezvous in a covered  and concealed rally point.

+ Conduct passage when rain, fog, or snow helps to conceal the  passage.

+ Coordinate with the battalion S2 for employment of ECM.

(6) The platoon sergeant ensures that all members of the platoon are  accounted for. He positions himself at the passage point and counts  each soldier as they pass. Once the last soldier passes, the platoon  sergeant notifies the platoon leader and moves through the passage  point.

(7) The platoon conducts a security or listening halt after moving  out of sight and sound of the friendly position. This is a short  halt to accustom the reconnaissance platoon to the sights and sounds  of the battlefield. The platoon halts in a position that provides  cover from chance friendly small-arms fire.

(8) After the reconnaissance platoon accomplishes its mission, it  may be required to reenter friendly lines. The initial coordination  that took place for departure should have included the plan for  reentry. If none was made or when directed to pass through a  different friendly position, coordination must be accomplished with  the battalion S3 and the commander of the unit through which the  reconnaissance platoon will reenter This coordination is  accomplished by radio. The items coordinated are the same as for  departure.

(9) When reentering friendly lines, the reconnaissance platoon moves  to and occupies the reentry RP. This point should be easily  identified during limited visibility. The platoon leader notifies  the commander of the friendly position that it has occupied the  reentry RP and requests that a guide be sent to the contact point  (Figure 3-10).

(10) The platoon leader then sends an element to the contact point  to coordinate passage. Depending on the situation, the contact point  can also be the passage point. Once contact with the guide is  established, the platoon moves to the contact point and follows the  guide through the passage point. The platoon sergeant accounts for  all members of the reconnaissance platoon (Figure 3-10).

Figure 3-10. Reentry of friendly lines.

b. Route Selection. Upon notification by battalion to conduct  movement, the platoon leader begins to analyze his proposed area of  operation. The characteristics of the terrain and the enemy  situation influence the selection of routes. If unfamiliar with the  area, the platoon leader requests aerial photographs, terrain  analysis overlays prepared by the S2, or talks with someone familiar  with the area. The routes selected by the platoon leader should  avoid contact with the enemy, local inhabitants, built-up areas, and  natural lines of drift. The reconnaissance platoon always strives to  reach its objective area without being detected. Selecting primary  and alternate routes and dividing each route into legs (Figure 3-11)  helps the platoon remain undetected by having planned changes in the  direction of movement.

Figure 3-11. Route selection.

(1) Terrain analysis. To select a route, analyze the terrain in  which the platoon will operate. Terrain analysis focuses on the  military aspects of the terrain, known collectively as OAKOC. This  analysis must be accomplished with an understanding of the mission  and tactical situation.

(a) Observation and fields of fire. Seek routes that afford the  platoon observation. Avoid areas that will expose the platoon to the  enemy.

(b) Avenues of approach. Avoid likely avenues of approach. The enemy  will probably have them under surveillance or covered by fire.

(c) Key terrain. Look for key terrain to aid in navigation and  control; however, be aware that the enemy will most likely have it  occupied or covered by fire.

(d) Obstacles. Seek routes that will not impede the platoon's  movement. In some cases, the platoon selects a route that impedes  movement but enhances security.

(e) Cover and concealment. Seek routes that help to conceal the  movement of the platoon, thus, assists in avoiding detection by the  enemy.

(2) Tactical consideration. The nature of the mission, time  limitations, and the mode of transportation (mounted or dismounted)  influence the selection of routes. Routes must avoid known or  suspected enemy locations. Do not pick a route that parallels an  enemy position. Enemy scouts and patrols look for signs of friendly  activity. Avoid routes with obvious danger areas such as built-up  areas, roads, and trails. The selection of a route varies according  to the time of day. During daylight, use a route with heavy  vegetation to protect the platoon from enemy observation. During  limited visibility, use a route that affords silent movement. When  possible, always move during limited visibility.

(3) Navigational consideration. The platoon leader selects prominent  terrain features along the route and ensures everyone memorizes  their location or sequence. These features are used as checkpoints  or locations from which the direction of the route changes. The  distance between checkpoints while moving along a route is  determined by keeping an accurate pace count when walking or by  using an odometer when traveling in a vehicle. Two techniques used  to assist in navigation are the offset-compass method or box-in  method.

(a) The offset-compass method is a preplanned deviation to the right  or left of a straight-line azimuth to the platoon's destination. By  using this method, the platoon leader knows whether he is to the  left or right of his destination. Each degree of offset moves the  platoon 17 meters right or left for each kilometer traveled.

(b) The box-in method uses natural or man-made features such as  roads or streams that form boundaries for a route. By referring to  these boundaries, any large deviation from the planned route can be  recognized and corrected.

c. Land Navigation. Every member of the reconnaissance platoon,  particularly the leaders, must be experts in land navigation.  Superior land navigation skills should be inherent in all  reconnaissance platoon soldiers. (See FM 21-26 for more  information.) Important land navigation tasks that each soldier must  master include:

* Locate a point using grid coordinates.

* Use a compass (day/night).

* Determine location using resection, intersection, or modified  resection.

* Interpret terrain features.

* Measure distance and elevation.

d. Control Measures. The platoon leader controls the movement of his  squads. The following is a list of several techniques that are  available to assist the platoon leader in controlling the direction  and speed of the squads:

* Arm-and-hand signals.

* Voice.

* Radio.

* Luminous tape.

* Time.

* Movement formations.

* Movement techniques.

* Rally points.

* Checkpoints.

* Phase lines.


Air movement operations are those operations involving the use of  Army airlift assets (other than air assaults). Air assault  operations are those in which assault forces using the firepower,  mobility, and total integration of helicopter assets maneuver on the  battlefield to engage and destroy enemy forces and to seize and hold  key terrain. The battalion staff plans and coordinates air assault  operations. The reconnaissance platoon must understand its role and  responsibility in air assault operations. (See FM 90-4 for detailed  information on air assault operations.) When the battalion staff  plans an air assault, it develops five plans. These plans, in order  of importance, are the ground tactical plan, the landing plan, the  air movement plan, the loading plan, and the staging plan.

a. Ground Tactical Plan. A successful air assault operation focuses  on the commander's ground tactical plan around which later planning  is based. The ground tactical plan for an air assault operation is  basically the same as for any other infantry operation. The  reconnaissance platoon's mission will be no different than from any  other operation. It is still required to provide information to the  commander. The only difference is the mode of transportation used to  move the platoon.

b. Landing Plan. The landing plan supports the ground tactical plan.  This plan sequences combat, CS, and CSS assets into the area of  operations. The reconnaissance platoon may be inserted as part of  the main body or may precede the main body. The commander makes this  decision. If he needs to obtain information before deploying the  main body, then the reconnaissance platoon would be inserted early.  Insertion methods vary according to the training and availability of  specialized equipment. The reconnaissance platoon can be inserted by  parachute, fast rope, or rappelling. It may be required to provide  information concerning the availability of landing zones. Each  soldier needs to be familiar with the characteristics and  requirements of landing zones. The platoon must also rehearse its  action when exiting helicopters on a landing zone.

(1) Landing zones. LZs are the areas in which helicopters land and  troops depart the aircraft. They are selected by the battalion  commander (or his S3) with technical advice from an aviation liaison  officer (ALO). Criteria for selecting an LZ includes:

(a) Identification. An LZ should be easy to identify from the air.  Unless a soldier actually flies over the LZ, he cannot determine if  the LZ is identifiable especially at night. Leaders mark the LZ with  signaling devices to assist the pilots in locating the LZ. The code  letter Y (inverted Y) is used to mark the landing point of the lead  aircraft at night. Chemical light sticks or beanbag lights may be  used to maintain light discipline. (Figure 3-12) VS-17 panels or  mirrors can be used during daylight.

(b) Obstacles. The approach and departure ends of an LZ should be  free of tall trees, telephone lines or power lines, or similar  obstacles that may interfere with helicopter landings or lift-off.  Obstacles that cannot be removed should be marked with red. For  planning purposes, an obstacle-clearance ratio of 10 to 1 is used on  the approach and departure ends of the LZ or PZ. For example, a  landing point requires 100 feet of horizontal clearance if a  helicopter must approach or depart directly over a 10-foot-tall tree  (Figure 3-13).

(c) Size. Size requirements depend on the type and number of  aircraft. They are based on the least acceptable distances between  aircraft (Figure Figure 3-14). The following list provides the  minimum diameter for landing points for a particular type of  helicopter:

+ Observation helicopters--25 meters.

+ UH-1 and AH-1 helicopters--35 meters.

+ UH-60 and AH-64 helicopters--50 meters.

+ Cargo helicopters-80 meters.

Figure 3-12. Inverted Y.

Figure 3-13. Obstacle considerations.

(d) Ground slope landing. As a guide, if the ground slope is 0 to 6  percent, the aircraft is landed up slope. If the slope is 7 to 15  percent, the aircraft is landed sideslope. If the slope is greater  than 15 percent, the aircraft hovers to insert or extract soldiers  and equipment.

Figure 3-14. Landing more than one helicopter (day and night).

(e) Surface conditions. Surface conditions should not conceal the  touchdown point or create hazards to landing (sand, blowing dust,  snow). Any aircraft landing will cause debris to fly up. However, if  the debris is excessive, it could prevent the pilot from landing.  The pilot determines the severity of the problem as he attempts to  land.

(f) Approach/departure. Aircraft approach and depart along the long  axis of the LZ/PZ, over the lowest obstacle, and into the wind.

(g) Enemy. Landing zones are located away from enemy concentrations.  The reconnaissance platoon conducts a zone reconnaissance to ensure  enemy forces do not interfere with the landing plan.

(2) Landing zone operations. Just as there is a priority of work for  defensive operations, there is a priority of actions on the landing  in an LZ.

(a) Soldiers do not begin unloading the aircraft until directed by  the crew chief or pilot (Figure 3-15). Before leaving the aircraft,  the chalk leader checks the landing direction and grid coordinates  with the pilot if not accomplished during the approach. This aids  orientation to the LZ, especially at night.

Figure 3-15. UH-60 unloading diagram.

(b) Once the aircraft has landed, soldiers unbuckle seat belts and  exit as fast as possible. They move away from the side of the  aircraft and assume the prone position. With their weapons ready,  they face away from the aircraft until the aircraft leaves the LZ.

(c) The platoon leader consolidates the platoon by designating an  assembly point. This can be an identifiable terrain feature or the  nearest covered and concealed position. The platoon leader can also  designate an azimuth to move off the LZ. Once the platoon is  consolidated, it executes its assigned mission.

(d) If the decision is made to use a hot LZ or contact is made upon  landing, soldiers quickly dismount and move away from the aircraft.  They immediately return fire and attempt to gain fire superiority.  The platoon leader notifies battalion that the LZ is hot. If the  situation allows, soldiers fire and move off the LZ to the closest  cover and concealment. Planned supporting fires are initiated by the  ground or air element that first detects the enemy.

(e) Once disengaged from the enemy force, the chalk leader moves the  chalk to a covered and concealed position, accounts for personnel  and equipment, assesses the situation, and attempts to link up with  the platoon or continues the mission IAW the previous instructions.

c. Air Movement Plan. The air movement plan is based upon the ground  tactical and landing plans. It specifies the schedule and provides  the instructions for air movement of troops, equipment, and supplies  from PZs to LZs. The air movement plan is developed by the battalion  with assistance from an ALO. It states instructions regarding air  routes; air control points, aircraft speeds, altitudes and  formations, allowable cargo load, and aircraft type and number.

(1) Air movement table. The air movement table provides information  on what aircraft picks up who, the location of the pickup zone, the  flight route, and loading, lift off and landing times. The platoon  leader is normally briefed by the S3 air on the particulars of the  air movement table. The flight route and the LZ location are  important to the platoon leader.

(2) Flight route. The S3 air and the ALO develop the flight route.  This is the general route the aircraft will follow. Normally, a  primary and alternate route are planned. The flight route will have  a start point, release point, and checkpoints that are used by the  pilots to control movement and navigation. The reconnaissance  platoon is briefed on the route and the checkpoints used along the  flight route. These items are used by the reconnaissance platoon to  track its location from the air. A strip map indicating the flight  routes and checkpoints can be used instead of maps. Normally, the  flight route uses more than one map sheet. The senior leader on an  aircraft coordinates with the crew chief, or the pilot, requesting  confirmation of when the aircraft reaches the designated  checkpoints. This information is disseminated to the chalk to allow  them to follow the route.

(3) Flight times. The time it takes to load soldiers and equipment,  fly the specified route, land the aircraft, and off-load soldiers  and equipment is computed by the S3 air and the ALO. All soldiers  must understand what these times mean in terms of movement. The most  important time is H-hour. This is the time that the first aircraft  lands at the LZ Indirect fire support and attack helicopter support  use this time to coordinate fires on the LZ. Each flight route will  also have an SP and RP. The RP time is important because it is the  last checkpoint before landing. The RP is 3 to 5 km from the LZ.  Once an aircraft reaches the RP, there is about 2 minutes left  before arrival at the LZ.

d. Loading Plan. The loading plan is based on the air movement plan.  It ensures that troops, equipment, and supplies are loaded on the  correct aircraft. Maintaining platoon and squad integrity and  cross-loading so that key leaders are not on the same aircraft are  key points to remember when designating who will fly on what  aircraft. The loading plan is based upon the type and number of  aircraft available and the allowable cargo load for each aircraft.  The S3 air designates the aircraft that the reconnaissance platoon  uses and where the aircraft lands to pick up the soldiers. When  traveling as part of the main body, the S3 air designates what lift  and serial the platoon will fly in.

NOTE: A lift is the total number of aircraft available for a  mission. A serial is the grouping of aircraft from a lift. For  example, a lift of 16 aircraft may be broken down into four serials  of four aircraft or two serials of eight aircraft.

(1) Loads. A load is designated by the personnel and equipment to be  moved by a specific aircraft. An aircraft load may also be referred  to as a chalk. Once the S3 air has determined what lift, serial, and  load the platoon flies in, the platoon leader or platoon sergeant  breaks down the reconnaissance platoon accordingly. They must know  the ACL and the type of aircraft being used.

(2) Allowable Cargo Load. The ACL is the total number of personnel  and cargo that can be carried on a certain type of aircraft. The ACL  for the aircraft is determined by the ALO Once this is determined,  then the breakdown of the platoon is made according to the ACL. The  ACL for the UH-60 is normally 11 personnel. (See appendix D for  loading configuration.)

e. Staging Plan. The staging plan synchronizes the arrival of  soldiers, aircraft, equipment, and logistics support at the PZs. It  is based on the loading plan. At platoon level, the staging plan is  mainly concerned with the movement of the reconnaissance platoon  from the AA to the PZ. The staging plan allows the platoon to start  loading operations 15 minutes before the aircraft arrival time. In  the staging area, the platoon leader organizes his soldiers and  equipment. He must be flexible and ready to adapt to possible  changes in the ACL and number of aircraft available.

f. Safety. The platoon leader and his subordinate leaders must  enforce strict safety measures when working with helicopters. The  main safety measures include the following:

* Using safety belts once inside the aircraft.

* Ensuring the weapons are unloaded (no rounds in the chamber) and  on SAFE with muzzle down.

* Securing radio antennas (antennas are tied down).

* Securing hand grenades.

* Ensuring no jumping from a hovering helicopter unless told to do  so by the crew chief.

* Securing material, which may be sucked into the engine or rotor  blades.

* Ensuring no approaching from or departing to the rear of the  helicopter.


The reconnaissance platoon does not have organic transportation  assets. If the platoon must travel a great distance, the battalion  commander can direct his staff to obtain transportation for the  platoon. The purpose of obtaining transportation is strictly for  movement. Once the vehicles have transported the reconnaissance  platoon, the vehicles are released back to battalion. By  transporting the reconnaissance platoon, soldiers are less fatigued  and they have more time for executing the mission. The platoon  leader plans for vehicle movement the same as he does for dismounted  movement. The considerations differ in that it takes less time to  move mounted.

a. Planning. The platoon leader is informed as to available  transportation assets. The HMMWV or military truck is the primary  asset available to move the platoon. The platoon leader organizes  the platoon for movement by assigning each soldier to a specific  vehicle and designating a navigator and vehicle commander for each  vehicle.

(1) Route selection is based upon METT-T and vehicle abilities.  Vehicles are limited to where they can travel. The route should  include a start point and release point with checkpoints in between.  The azimuth and distance between checkpoints are determined. When  the compass is used inside the vehicle, it is affected by the metal  in the vehicle. When using the compass, the soldier should dismount  and move away from the vehicle to take an azimuth reading. To  determine the distance traveled, he uses the vehicle's odometer.

NOTE: Remember, 0.1 mile is equal to 160 meters; .6 miles is equal  to 1,000 meters; and 1 mile is equal to 1,600 meters or 1.6 km.

(2) The weather can have a dramatic effect on route selection.  Cross-country vehicles may be restricted to road movement in heavy  rain. To avoid flooded or muddy areas, the platoon leader should  adjust the route.

b. Execution. The vehicle commander and navigator are responsible  for the command and control of the vehicle. They execute movement as  briefed by the platoon leader.

(1) Vehicle commander. The vehicle commander, normally the squad  leader, is responsible for organizing personnel on the vehicle. He  ensures the vehicle is ready for movement. This is accomplished by  questioning the driver about any mechanical problems and making sure  the vehicle has enough fuel. He also assigns team members sectors of  fire and air guards. The vehicle commander rides in the back of the  vehicle.

(2) Navigator. The platoon leader plans the route. The navigator is  responsible for following that route. However, there may be times  when the route must be changed for tactical reasons. The navigator  must ensure that the correct direction and distance are recorded and  followed. He informs the vehicle commander when he reaches  checkpoints.


A waterborne insertion or extraction can be conducted when not  expected by the enemy or when it is the only feasible method  available. Waterborne insertion/extractions should be made at night,  preferably during low-light illumination, or in conditions with  reduced visibility. The battalion commander's decision to use inland  and coastal waterways adds flexibility, surprise, and speed to  tactical operations. The types of water infiltration/exfiltration  include small boats, surface swimming, helocasting, or a combination  of these.

a. Planning. The battalion commander and his staff provide the  platoon leader with the necessary equipment to conduct water  movement. The platoon leader is told what equipment is available and  where to link up with the equipment. The platoon leader organizes  the platoon based on the number and type of equipment available  (Figure 3-16). He plans the route to the objective area and ensures  that everyone understands how the platoon will move and execute  their mission. (See FM 31-25 for more information.)

Figure 3-16. RB-15 boat positions.

(1) When planning, the platoon leader uses the reverse planning  process as a guide to develop a timetable. The amount of time  required for a small-boat movement is hard to determine. As a guide,  a boat can sustain a speed of 3.7 km (2 knots) per hour using  paddles. The following formula can be used to calculate time:

T (time) = D (distance)
S (speed)

EXAMPLE: D = 2 nautical miles S = 2.5 knots. T = 2 divided by 2.5 T  = 0.8 hour or .8 x 60 = 48 minutes.

(2) Once the platoon leader determines the time required for  movement, he should revise the estimate as he progresses through the  water. The landing site is where the reconnaissance platoon lands on  shore. It should be located away from areas that attract people  (especially other people using boats). The landing site should have  cover and concealment that can be used to hide the boats. If the  reconnaissance platoon plans to return to the site, a security team  must stay with the boats.

b. River Movement. The platoon leader must know the characteristics  of the river before embarking on river movement. The coxswain and  the No. 1 man must watch the water for obstacles, overlapping  vegetation, and projections from the bank.

(1) A bend is a turn in the river course.

(2) A reach is a straight portion of river between the curves.

(3) The current in a narrow part of a reach is greater than that in  a wide portion. The current is greatest on the outside of a curve.  Sandbars and shallow water are found on the inside of the curve.

c. Inshore Navigation. The squad leader is responsible for  navigation. There are two acceptable methods of river navigation:

(1) Checkpoint and general route. Checkpoint and general route  method is used when the drop site is marked by a well-defined  checkpoint and the waterway is not confused by many branches and  tributaries. It is best used during daylight hours and for short  distances.

(2) Navigator-observer methods. Navigator-observer methods are the  most accurate means of river navigation and can be used effectively  in all light conditions. Equipment needed to do this is a compass,  photo map (first choice), topography map (second choice), poncho  (for night use), and pencil and flashlight (for night use).

(a) The navigator is positioned in the front of the boat and does  not paddle. During darkness, he uses his flashlight under a poncho  to check the map.

(b) The navigator keeps his map and compass oriented at all times.

(c) The navigator keeps the observer informed of the configuration  of the river by announcing bends, reaches, and stream junctions as  shown on the map.

(d) The observer compares this information with the bends, reaches,  and stream junctions he actually sees. When these are confirmed, the  navigator confirms the boat's location on his map.


Infiltration is a form of maneuver. The commander directs companies  and platoons to infiltrate when enemy positions are fortified. To  avoid the enemy's strength, companies and platoons use stealth and  move through gaps or around the enemy positions to conduct  operations in the enemy's rear area. Infiltration allows the  infantry to exploit its abilities. The reconnaissance platoon must  reconnoiter infiltration lanes before movement of the battalion's  main body.


An infiltration is accomplished in five phases. First, the battalion  that plans an infiltration must locate the gaps in the enemy lines  and locate the enemy positions. The battalion S2 provides the  reconnaissance platoon leader with information concerning where he  anticipates these areas to be. Second, while this is happening, the  remainder of the battalion conducts TLP. Third, the actual  infiltration occurs along the designated infiltration lane. When  moving along an infiltration lane, the battalion avoids enemy  contact. The commander decides the size of the force moving along  the lane. Fourth, forces consolidate. The reconnaissance platoon may  be required to link up with infiltrating forces or maintain  surveillance on the objective or a combination of both. Fifth, and  final phase, assigned missions are executed. The battalion commander  can use the reconnaissance platoon to mark the infiltration lanes.  However, the reconnaissance platoon's primary mission during an  infiltration should be focused on the objective. The platoon leader  clarifies the platoon's primary focus with the battalion  commander/S3.


The battalion commander determines if the battalion moves along a  single or multiple infiltration lane or zone. Forces moving along  the infiltration lane are separated by space and time. The platoon  leader decides to move as a platoon or as squads. The advantages of  moving as a platoon are: faster movement, and easier control and  navigation. When moving as squads, the likelihood of being detected  is decreased because of the size. However, navigation,  consolidation, and control are more difficult. If the battalion  employs multiple lanes, the platoon leader must task organize to  move along all lanes. The overriding factor in determining whether  to use single or multiple lanes is the ability to remain undetected.

a. Single-Lane Infiltration. Infiltration on a single lane is the  least desirable technique, because it requires all infiltrating  groups to move at intervals on the same lane. This technique is used  only when, after an analysis of METT-T, it is evident that only one  lane is feasible (Figure 3-17).

b. Multiple-Lane Infiltration. Soldiers infiltrate by multiple lanes  when two or more infiltration lanes are found through the enemy  defense (Figure 3-18). Assembly areas may be either in enemy or  friendly areas depending on the situation. The platoon leader  assigns lanes to the squads. The reconnaissance platoon normally  uses no more than two lanes due to its size and limited resources.

Figure 3-17. Single-lane infiltration.

Figure 3-18. Multiple-lane infiltration.

c. Combination of Methods. Two or more lanes are used with more than  one group using at least one of the lanes. This is the normal  technique since enough lanes seldom exist for each group to have a  separate one. Groups on different routes may move using different  methods of insertion or extraction (for example, one group moves by  boat on a river, another group moves by air, and another moves by  foot).

d. Rally Point. Rally points should be chosen for all infiltrations/exfiltrations  to aid in the controlling of movement.

(1) The first group to reach the RP establishes security and  exchanges recognition signals with subsequent groups. All groups  rehearse this procedure since it is not known which group will  arrive first.

(2) Adequate time is allowed for each group to reach the RP. Groups  maybe delayed while avoiding enemy contact. Contingency plans should  address what will be accomplished if a force fails to arrive or  arrives late at an RP.

(3) An alternate RP must be designated. It is used if the primary RP  is occupied by the enemy, is compromised, or is found to be  unsuitable for any reason before the platoon reaches it. Signals are  planned to direct movement to the alternate RP. The contingency plan  must allow time for groups to reach the new (alternate) RP.

e. Techniques to Enhance Movement. Techniques to enhance movement  are movement formations and noise discipline.

(1) Movement formations. Movement formations must enhance stealth  and security. The platoon leader considers the formation that is  best suited to avoid enemy detection.

(2) Noise discipline. Many steps can be taken to improve noise  discipline.

(a) Taping weapons, swivels, LCE, identification tags, and other  noise-making equipment.

(b) Wearing old socks over boots.

(c) Inspecting to ensure equipment is silenced.




While the 17th Infantry Regiment was organized on January 11th,  1812, it was consolidated with the 3rd Infantry and lost it's  identity two years later until May 3rd, 1861, when it was  reorganized.

The 17th Infantry Regiment was in the Army of the Potomac during the  Civil War in Sykes' Division of the 5th Army Corps, the badge of  which was a white cross patee, which is embodied in the coat of arms  and shown on the blue field above and to the left of the stone wall.

At Fredericksburg the 17th suffered  heavy losses in the assault on the famous stone wall, "For one  entire day, (December 14th) the men of the 17th lay flat on their  faces eighty yards in front of the famous stone wall, behind which  the enemy was posted in large numbers and any movement on their part  was sure to draw the fire of rebel sharpshooters.

The five-bastioned fort, shown on the blue shield above and to the  right of the stone wall, was the badge of the 5th Army Corps in Cuba  in 1898.

The buffalo, shown on the blue shield bellow the stone wall  represents the Regiments glorious history in the Korean war. The  "Buffalo" nick name was adopted after one of the Regiments  Commanding Officers in the Korean war, Col. William W. "Buffalo  Bill" Quinn.
The shield is blue, being the color representing the infantry.

The Crest is a sea lion taken from the Spanish Arms of Manila for  the fighting around that city in 1899.
The two arrows represent the Indian campaigns in which the 17th  Regiment participated.


Civil War
Cold Harbor
Virginia 1862
Virginia 1863

Indian Wars
Little Big Horn
Pine Ridge
North Dakota 1872

War with Spain

Philippine Insurrection
San Isidro
Luzon 1899
Luzon 1900

Mexican Expedition
Mexico 1916-1917

World War II
Aleutian Islands (with arrowhead)
Eastern Mandates (with arrowhead)
Leyte Ryukyus (with arrowhead)

Korean War
UN Defensive
UN Offensive
CCF Intervention
First UN Counteroffensive
CCF Spring Offensive
UN Summer-Fall Offensive
Second Korean Winter
Korea, Summer-Fall 1952
Third Korean Winter
Korea, Summer 1953

Counteroffensive, Phase VII
Consolidation I
Consolidation II

Operation Just Cause: 1989-1990

Armed Forces Expeditions
Panama (with arrowhead)

Operation Iraqi Freedom
Operation Iraqi Freedom: August 2005 to December 2006
Mosul and Baghdad


Presidential Unit Citation (Army), Streamer embroidered LEYTE

Philippine Presidential Unit Citation, Streamer embroidered 17  OCTOBER 1944 TO 4 JULY 1945

Republic of Korea Presidential Unit Citation, Streamer embroidered  INCHON

Republic of Korea Presidential Unit Citation, Streamer embroidered  KOREA 1950-1953

Republic of Korea Presidential Unit Citation, Streamer embroidered  KOREA 1952-1953

Republic of Korea Presidential Unit Citation, Streamer embroidered  KOREA 1945-1948; 1953-1957