Coppell TV Repair LLC offers the components we've seen fail on several occasions in Samsung power supply BN44-00874C, BN44-00874D, BN44-00874E and BN44-00874F used in over 30 different Samsung models.

The different power boards are based on the same design and are practically 99.9/l% the same, which explains how one repair kit can be suitable to all of them when they are not directly compatible with each other. It is simply because what fails do happen to be the same for all of them and where they differ.

This listing is NOT for the full board even though it may be shown for illustrative purpose.


If your TV is totally dead and you can measure the main fuse FS801 blown open and a short over any pair of legs from QP801CS or QP802CS (the PFC switching transistors) then this repair kit is for you.

Please do NOT replace just the main fuse and try again - this is likely to only make things worse and could introduce more damage to the board!


Replacement and possibly upgraded components for the components labeled as FP801S, CP809, CP810, QP801CS, QP802CS, CP811 and CP812. Silicone heat transfer compound is also included and it is intended to be placed on the back of the switching transistors and NOT spread over their legs on the PCB!

More components may be included over time, so if you receive more than what is listed and can't map it to components on the board please contact us.

All parts are brand new and some may be upgraded from the OEM versions.

We do not provide component locations map - all parts should be fairly easy to identify.


Medium. Requires essential soldering skills and basic soldering equipment, hot air gun recommended, but not required for SMD components.


Yes. We've repaired boards using this kit, otherwise we would not be offering it.


Yes. If you want us to do this repair for you feel free to contact us or search our store for a repair service offer.

Important note 1: We do not guarantee that this kit contains everything your board needs and even less than everything the kit contains will be bad on your board. However, you should know that the kit was assembled based on our first hand experience repairing those boards and is NOT a guesstimate of what COULD go wrong.

The responsibility of the outcome of the repair lies onto whoever is performing it.

Important note 2: We offer this repair kit as well as a repair service and , subject to availability, boards for sale. The later two come with warranty while the kit is only covered up to the moment where you solder the components from it! If you want security check our store and choose a repair service or a whole new board instead!

Coppell TV Repair LLC does not guarantee that this kit will resolve the problem in you TV.

It is offered based on experience and technical information available to us at the date of publishing of this listing and known to be more or less common for the listed models.

As every failure can be unique so can be every repair task.

In addition, while giving the repair task a rough classification in terms of difficulty, Coppell TV Repair can not evaluate each individual's qualities to perform the job or prevent operational errors even from skilled technicians.

As such, no warranty is offered on this product.

If you would like warranty please above if a REPAIR SERVICE is offered instead of a kit. Unless otherwise noted all our repair services do come with a standard 90 days warranty.