Large Sandblasted Manzanita Bird Perches, with appropriate hardware on both sides. Be sure to choose a length as well as Diameter.  We will get diameter as close as possible, but being a natural item there will be variations in diameter along length of Perch, which is important to the health of your bird's feet and legs.
Be advised that any additional items ship for $2.00 each.

Manzanita is the ideal choice for bird / parrot perches.  It is an extremely dense, durable wood, chemically neutral and non-toxic. Manzanita provides a stimulating environment with it's varies shapes and textures.

Wood is fully seasoned and finished cracking, This is a natural process with all large Manzanita Branches and does not affect the strength and integrity of the Branch. The Natural curing process hardens the Branch so that it will last longer than fresh cut for heavy chewers.

All of the Manzanita we sell has been thoroughly dried out, naturally cured and sandblasted. Both sides of the Perch have been fitted with appropriate hardware. 

All items similar to pictures

If you purchase more than one perch, shipping overage cost will be refunded.

Feel free to contact us for custom sizes.