• Publisher Code: MUSCH81895
  • Title: Progressively Prickly Piano Pieces
  • Composer: Kevin Volans
  • Publisher: Chester Music
  • Instrumentation: Piano
  • Product Type: Book [Softcover]
  • Pages: 28
  • Year of Publication: 2015
  • ISBN: 9781783057085
  • The third in South African pianist and composer Kevin Volans's brilliant series of Piano miniatures, Progressively Prickly Piano Pieces is a collection of ingenious and witty practice pieces that aredesigned to be both fun and educational.

    With these sheet music practice books, accomplished composer Kevin Volans has managed to craft nine pieces that are really great fun to play, as wellas being thrilling and exciting in their ingenuity. Volans has put aside his own compositional tastes, making the needs of the pianist the focus. This means that his series represents a departure from the other dry and dull practice books out there, ensuring that, while you play, you'll be loving how funny, confusing and sometimes downright baffling these pieces are.

    The great thing about ProgressivelyPrickly Piano Pieces is that this is not just a bit of fun. Volans has created them so that each piece focuses on a fundamental aspect of Piano technique. This means that while you enjoy playing through thepieces in this book, their 'prickliness' will guarantee that you are learning at the same time. Some of the tunes are challenging, so this book is definitely for the intermediate to the advanced player, although the great thing isif you have worked through the previous two books, you'll be able to smoothly transition into this one.


  • A Garden Of Forking Paths
  • Claire D'Etoile
  • Double Take
  • Leaping Dance 1
  • Leaping Dance 2
  • Leaping Dance 3
  • Stepping Stones
  • This Is How It Is
  • Whole Tone Chopsticks