Sun Microsystems 20-40GB 4 mm DDS-4 Tape Drive

Part Number: 390-0027
Option Number: X5881A
Description: 20-40GB 4mm DDS-4 Internal Tape Drive
Mounting: 5.25-inch (5.25-inch Rails are removable)
Interface: Wide SCSI Enabled
Connector: HD68-Pin Data Connector

The 390-0027 tape drive was used in many workstations and servers, it was also used externally.
  • TAP4MM-012A
  • SG-XTAP4MM-012A
  • X5881A
  • StorEdge D240
  • Ultra 2
  • Ultra 30
  • Ultra 60
  • Ultra 80
  • Blade 1000
  • Blade 2000
  • Sun Fire V250
  • Sun Fire 280R
These are just some of the machines that the 390-0027 was supported to work in.

Manufacturer Notes:
  1. The minimum operating system is Solaris 2.5.1 with Patch 103857.
  2. Use the Address Cable or 2 mm shunts on the Address Connector.
  3. Solaris only supports S1 switch settings 0x2b and 0x6b.
  4. The Blank Data Tape part number is 370-4083-01.
  5. The Cleaning Kit part number is 370-1613-01.
  6. The DDS-4 drive can read and write DDS-2, DDS-3, and DDS-4 tapes.
  7. DDS-1 (90m) tapes can be read but not written by the DDS-4 drive.