• Publisher Code: 0571569625
  • Title: String Quartet No.4 (score)
  • Subtitle: String Quartet No.4 (score)
  • Composer: Vine, Carl
  • Publisher: Faber Music
  • Instrumentation: Violin, Cello, Viola
  • Product Type: Music
  • Total pages: 28
  • Publication Date: 06/12/2016
  • ISMN: 9780571569625
  • EAN: 0571569625
  • Genre: Contemporary
  • Product Category: String quartet/trio
  • Product media description: Ensemble Music
  • Sub category: Instrumental Score
  • Dimensions: 311X232
  • Score

    Premiered by the Takács String Quartet in 2004, Carl Vine’s String Quartet No.4 is a dark and pensive work. Split into two equal parts, this acerbic 15-minute exploration of conflict without resolution – with angular rhythmic gestures set abruptly against a brooding chorale – would make an imposing addition to any quartet’s repertoire.