Isotine Plus Eye Drop 10ml

Isotine Eye Drop is a potent, effective and pocket-friendly remedy which is successfully formulated by Dr. Basu (Emeritus Prof. Dr. MS Basu), who is an Ayurved experienced consultant, conducted extensive research on several Ayurveda herbs and Bhasmas to find out a remedy for various eye diseases.

Isotine eye drop is an ayurvedic proprietary medicine used for improving eyesight and treating eye diseases. As per the company’s description about the product and patients’ reviews, it is useful in cases of immature cataract, myopia, color blindness, glaucoma, hypermetropia, diabetic retinopathy, retinitis pigmentosa, macular degeneration, etc. It provides relief in eye stress and helps in computer vision syndrome

Why Use Dr Basu Eye Drop?

Approximately 8 million to 2.3 million people around the world have impaired vision due to cataract and uncorrected refractive error. These Isotine Ayurvedic eye drops are fairly balanced with Ayurvedic properties and help to cure many eye diseases.

Not all eye drops available in the market are safe to use, so you have to make sure what kind of eye drops to put in your eyes. We are focusing on eye drops that not only cure eye diseases but also improves our vision. Dr Basu Isotine Eye Drops helps to achieve this goal of ours with safety assurance and visual improvement.

Dr Basu Isotine Plus Herbal Eye Drop

Nowadays, Ayurveda becomes one of the promising fields of medicine not just in India but people around the globe are now reaching towards herbal outlook and incorporating them in their daily routine.

Isotine Eye Drops are very effective, safe and can improve the quality of vision. These eye drops consist of Ayurvedic herbs and natural products, so the chances of side effects and allergic reactions are less likely to occur.

Eye diseases like myopia, hypermetropia and cataract can be treated with Isotine Eye Drops along with vision improvement.

Herbal Ingredients in Isotine Eye Drops

Herbal products ensure visible and long term results as they focus on the root cause of the problem. So, why go for other eyes drops when we have an Ayurvedic Herbal remedy in your grasp.

Isotine Eye drops contain one of the most popular and effective biological herbs present in Ayurvedic medicine that are:

1) Palash

2) Apamarg

3) Punarnava

4) YashedBhasma

5) TankanaBhasma

6) Alum

7) TuthBhasma

8) SatvaPudina

Even though the results of Ayurvedic products are quite slow, they remove the problem completely and effectively. As consistency is the key to Ayurvedic medicine, I would prefer Isotine plus Eye Drop over other products any day.


Dr Basu Eye Drop: Benefits and Side Effects


Side Effects:

No side effects of Isotine Eye Drops are reported so far. So, you can use them with an easy mind.

As per description provided by company, Isotine eye drop is safe. No side effect has been reported with its use.

According to our opinion, Isotine contains Tankan Bhasma and Tuth Bhasma, which have Lekhaniya Karma, according to ayurvedaLekhaniya Karma means reducing action. This action is useful in cases of increased Kapha Dosha, obesity, increased lipids and blockage in the body. This action may also help to reduce lens opacity. However, it may also cause irritation in eyes. Some people may also feel something abnormal (like dust particles) present in their eyes, which produces irritation. This can be considered as side effect of Isotine eye drop. In our clinic, a few people have also reported this side effect.

If irritation in eyes persists, discontinue the use of this eye drops and consult your doctor.

Check its ingredient list if you are allergic to any ingredient. If you are allergic to any of its ingredients, do not use it.

Can we instill Isotine eye drops while wearing contact lens?

The safety profile using Isotine while wearing contact lenses is not well established scientifically, so stay on safer side and do not use it while wearing contact lenses or consult a physician.

Isotine Eye Drops: Scientific Facts and Proofs

Dr M.S. Basu, a renowned Ayurvedic consultant, conducted a follow up schedule of 23 patients of myopia, hypermetropia and cataract before, during and after the treatment with Isotine Eye Drops, at Dr. Basu Eye Hospital at Bareli, U.P.


The results show that 14 out of 23 patients have achieved normal vision with no need of glasses. Various research papers and case studies are available on the internet for proper knowledge about Isotine Eye Drops.

Isotine Eye Drop


Always consult with a licensed and qualified health physician before taking or using any products. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. This has been provided for your information only. These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration or TGA.