Šajkača je vojnička kapa koja pripada stilu bočnih ravnih kapa čija je glavna odlika da se bočne strane mogu ravno preklopiti kada se kapa ne nosi na glavi. 

Zgodno se i savija, te se može nositi i ispod naramenjače ili za opasačem. Materijal šajkače se pravi od čoje te je zgodna za nošenje i leti i zimi jer drži konstantnu temperaturu glave. Ovakve svojstva kape bile su glavni razlog da je Srpska vojska uvede u sastavni deo uniforme vojnika propisom iz 1870. godine. 

Propisom od 1876. godine kapa je bila poznata po službenom nazivu „šajkaška kapa" a kasnije dobija skraćeni naziv „šajkača".

Dostupne veličine: 55, 57, 59, 61, 62

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The šajkača is a military cap that belongs to the style of side flat caps whose main feature is that the sides can be folded flat when the cap is not worn on the head.

It also folds up conveniently, so it can be worn under a shoulder strap or on a belt. The material of the hat is made of choja and is convenient to wear both in summer and winter because it keeps the temperature of the head constant. These properties of the cap were the main reason for the Serbian Army to introduce it as an integral part of the soldier's uniform by regulation from 1870.

According to the regulation of 1876, the cap was known by the official name "šajkaška kapa" and later got the abbreviated name "šajkača".

Available sizes: 55, 57, 59, 61, 62

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If you were wondering where to get souvenirs inspired by Serbian history and culture, now you have a quick and safe solution. The products are available both on our ebay store and our website - SERBIANSHOP.COM