(comes with the 3D printed socket as featured on my blog (can't give a direct link here because as of September 2017  eBay started to prevent linking to proprietary sites, but you can search arduino-geiger-pcb in your favourite search engine. And then search on the blog for the article named "A new contact socket for SBT-10 (???-10), SBT10A(???-10?) Geiger-Müller tubes").

You are bidding for the new recently upgraded  hardware, fully assembled,  microprocessor-based ionizing radiation counter with   Black-on-Green LCD (by default) ask for your preferred colour while purchasing.

While retaining all the previous features and functions of the previous design,

-  new version is much more compact and is mainly based on SMD components;

- has a tone mode for search of the radioactive source (like in a metal detector)  switchable On or Off with an installed microswitch;

- LCD backlight is now switchable On or Off by double-clicking the "MODE" button;

- sound is now also switchable On or Off by double-clicking the "TONE-ZEROING" button;

- switching between the "Primary" and "Secondary" conversion rates is now done by long-pressing the "TONE-ZEROING" button with an few seconds indication of which rate is chosen on the LCD;

- additional potentiometer is installed to reduce the brightness of the LCD backlight (which provides essential battery power savings);

- High Voltage is now adjustable from < 100 to >1KV (1000V) which allows reliable use of high working voltage Geiger-Müller tubes;

- JTAG, i2C, TTL level Serial and battery power headers are provided for extension and connectivity purposes


This listing  includes an SBT-10A Geiger?Müller tubeTTLSerial<>USB adapter and NEC system mini iR remote.

The device is fully assembled and calibrated and ready to use. The socket comes already attached by wires to the the device.
Upon receiving you just need to snap in the tube into the socket and connect a 9V battery (battery is not a part of this listing)

This device is preloaded with newly feature - amended  geiger kit sketch (v.11.0.2) 
sketch is a free software and is available through my blog (can't give a link here because as of September 2017  eBay started to prevent linking to proprietary sites, but you can search arduino-geiger-pcb and find it in my blog).
The schematics of the device is also available but as links can no longer be given here try to look for impexeris on GitHub

This device has an integrated IR receiver and a menu system controllable with any NEC, type IR TV remote (it is included). 
Besides control of multiple other parameters this feature allows changing CPM>uSv or uR ratio for tubes through the menu without a need to reprogram the firmware.

note: You can choose either Black-on-Green (default) , White-on-Blue or Black-on-Orange when backlit  LCD display.

Please contact me by a message if you want a display other than Black-on-Green   


Some videos (for reference only - not a part of this listing)

eBay eBay eBay


Schematics takes its origins from a  Geiger counter schematics publicly available on the Internet - on DIYGeigerCounter page and is further advanced with the final schematics freely available (as by eBay policies enforced on September 2017, proprietary links can no longer be given in listings, try to look for impexeris on GitHub)

This device is preloaded with adapted GeigerKit sketch (v.11.0.2). Sketch is a free software and is available (can't give a link here because as of September 2017  eBay started to prevent linking to proprietary sites, but you can search arduino-geiger-pcb and find it in my blog).


can detect ?, ? and ? ionizing radiation.

simultaneously displays the Count Per Minute (CPM) and equivalent dose rate of radiation in ?Sv/h on the LCD display.

indicates detection of ionizing particles with clicking sound and flashes of the yellow LED. (has a jumper for disconnecting-muting the buzzer);

has a TTL-serial connector for connection to a computer (more information on connection to computer - below);
when connected to computer counter outputs CPM, ?Sv/h and power voltage data in one minute intervals;

a threshold LED  lights up when preprogrammed threshold in Counts Per Minute (CPM) are exceeded.

"mpde" Push-button is used for initial threshold value setup and change of the display modes (screens) - please reed more about that below in the Software functionality description section.

Geiger?Müller tube

The included military standard ???10?(SBT10A) Geiger?Müller tube, which is usually used in the professional radiometric and dosimetry equipment is by comparison superior by its sensitivity to most other  popular russian-made and western tubes:

Recommended Operating Voltage (volts)390
Count Start Voltage Range (volts)260-320
Plateau length (volts)80
Maximum Plateau Slope (%/1 volt)  0.3
Range of current value per section ?Amin.0.3 - max1.5
Inherent background pulse/s at (T=55? ± 3?)2.17
Sensitivity (pulse/?R) to Cs137 at (P=4?R/s)322.5 - 402.3
Amplitude of pulses V5
Isolation of the enclosure ?10^10
Effectiveness of the registration of ? particles35%
Box dimensions 90mm(3.543in) x 70mm(2.756in) x 40mm(1.575in)

All tubes are new in terms that they were never used and come from the long term reserve storage (New Old Stock). All tubes are throughly tested towards performance and mechanical properties.

The counter is pre-calibrated both for the optimal operating voltage for the particular ???10A(SBT10A) tube as well the CPM to ?Sv/h ratio is adjusted by comparing measurements to the measurements of the industrial counter used in nuclear industry.

Use of other tubes

This counter circuit is well suited for use with any other Geiger?Müller tubes wether 
produced for just ? just ? or combined ?+? or universal  ?+?+? detection. 
When using other tubes it is important that:
- tube is specified to reliably operate in the voltage interval of up to 1KV (1000V).
- specified tube anode resistor value is around 10 M?. (10*10M? for every anode) (note: other tubes might require a different anode resistor value but changing this resistor is rather simple task)

note: a) voltage can be adjusted by the trimmer potentiometer present on the PCB.
         b) the  CPM to ?Sv/h ration for that particular tube can be changed by  connecting the board to the computer and changing it in the code (please ask if you need a code - it is freely available and I can send it to you by email either before or after your purchase)

LCD display

LCD display is a 2 Line x 16 character backlit display. You can choose either Black-on-Green (default) , White-on-Blue or Black-on-Orange when backlit  LCD display.

Powering the Geiger

Counter is designed to be powered from 9V battery when not connected to the computer.
It is recommended to buy a quality 6LR61 type battery.
If one desires, the whole circuit can be powered also from a 3 AA or 3 AAA batteries connected in series or 4 rechargeable batteries (rechargeable batteries are 1.2V) as circuit is actually operating at ~ 5V and there is a voltage regulator which steps down the voltage from 9 V to 5.
If you want to power the kit with lower voltage batteries 1,2 to 4,8 V please inquire. I have some step-up converters in stock.

Or if you would like a rechargeable Li-Ion solution you might be interested in this post on my blog (can't give a link here because as of September 2017  eBay started to prevent linking to proprietary sites, but you can search arduino-geiger-pcb with your favuorite search engine and find it in my blog on blogspot).

Here's the video (for reference only - not a part of this listing)


When connected to computer (TTLSerial<>USB converter), counter can be powered throughout the TTL-Serial header and draw power from the computer.

Power consumption

With the LCD backlight being Off device draws 15 mA from the 9V battery. With LCD backlight fully ON total current drawn is around 44mA however with the 10K LCD brightness trimmer power draw can be reduced up to 18mA.
When using Tone mode, power draw can peak to 75 - 100 mA.

Connecting to a computer

Circuit has a TTL-serial connector (the 90 degree bent header) this is a serial connector, however it operates at Transistor to Transistor Voltage levels and can be connected to the computer through appropriate ttl-com port or ttl-usb adapter (TTLSerial<>USB converter). When connected to computer Counter can be a) powered from the computer b) simultaneously outputs to the standard serial terminal CPM, ?Sv/h and power voltage data in one minute intervals.


The Software for the Counter is open-source (please ask if you need/want it in the file), developed in Integrated Development Environment (IDE), which is very easy to grasp even for non-pros compared to programming in C. Therefore this counter is also good opportunity to learn about micro-controllers and change the software to your taste.

Version v.11.0.2 features: 

Alarm threshold settable at power-on (retained in eeprom). Eeprom can be reset to default values by holding the "Mode" button during boot.
Alternate display (by press of the button)
A "quick response" bar graph (search aid)
Tone mode (radioactive source search aid)

Alarm (optional): When the CPM exceeds a preset value, the red threshold LED shall be lit.When the CPM drops back under the initially preset alarm threshold the LED whale go off.

The alarm threshold is configured during power up. After the first few screens you will see a "Set Alarm" prompt. To preset the alarm you have to use a push button or simply let the preset function time out (in 3 sec. of inactivity) to keep the then current setting.

Pushing the button point shall start a list of alarm settings. Push the button (or hold it down) until you find the desired setting, then release the button to set that last value. After the 600 CPM setting, the choices repeat. The possible settings increment by 10 until 100 CPM and then by 50 until the 600 CPM setting. There is also a "No Alarm" setting. The chosen setting is retained in eeprom so it does not need to be set each time.

Second Screen:
 The same push button used to set the alarm is used to turn on or off the second screen. The chosen screen stays on until the button is pushed again. The first time the screen is entered, the totals will begin to accumulate from zero. After accumulation has started, reentering the mode will display the totals that have accumulated. 

The second screen shows values for 1 minute and 10 minute periods. While the period is in progress (time not reached) the accumulated counts for the period are displayed. (On the 10 minute line, the elapsed time is also shown on the right side.) When a given period is complete, the format of the display changes . It then becomes the running average of CPM and uSv/h for the last 1 minute and 10 minute periods. The second screen  is updated every 5 seconds. 

Bar Graph: 

The bar graph on the first screen shows quick changes in counts to make it easier to spot trends when surveying. It has a sample rate of 1/20 of a second. 

This adapted firmware version contains multiple other features present in original v.11.0.1  Please refer to the DIYGeigerCounter site for details.

Convenience features:

- LCD backlight is now switchable On or Off by double-clicking the "MODE" button;

- sound is now also switchable On or Off by double-clicking the "TONE-ZEROING" button;

- switching between the "Primary" and "Secondary" conversion rates is now done by long-pressing the "TONE-ZEROING" button with an few seconds indication of which rate is chosen on the LCD;

- additional potentiometer is installed to reduce the brightness of the LCD backlight (which provides essential battery power savings);

This adapted firmware version contains multiple other features present in original v.11.0.1  Please refer to the   for details.



PCB 42.5mm(1.673in) x 92.9mm(3.658in) x 21.7mm(0.854in)
LCD 35.6mm(1.4in) x 78.7mm(3.1in) x 10.2mm(0.4in)


I shall accept paypal only and shall attempt sending the board within one working day after the receipt of the payment. You shall have to bear any customs or other duties and taxes of your country whatsoever. I shall ship the item from Europe Worldwide as a Standard Int`l package. Please allow enough time for a shipment to arrive especially if item is sent between continents. I usually receive packages from Europe within 1-1,5 weeks and from USA or Asia 2 to 3 weeks.

Happy bidding!
Thank you for reading!