
This listing is for one, small Ruby tumbled stone. You will receive one of the stones pictured. Each stone measures approx. 18mm x 12mm x 7mm.

Ruby stimulates the heart chakra and assists one in the attainment of ones ultimate values. It brings spiritual wisdom, health, knowledge and wealth.
Ruby is known as a "stone of nobility", gathering and amplifying energy while promoting and stimulating mental concentration. It can improve ones success in disputes. It is an excellent shielding stone, protecting on all levels and safeguarding ones consciousness from psychic attack.
It is said that ruby will light the darkness of one's life, giving birth to a spark of light which progresses throughout the body and spirit, conquering darkness on all levels. The energy can assist one in changing ones world, promoting creativity and expansiveness in awareness and manifestation. Ruby has been used in the treatment of fever, and heart disorders relating to blood flow through the ventricles. It can be used to decrease the length of time required for chemicals and toxins to exit the body. It can ameliorate the intake of caffeine, acting as a counter-balance.

Rubies vibrate with an enthusiasm for life, instilling an openhearted willingness to make whatever leaps of faith are required to move forward. If one feels stuck in any sort of rut - in career, in relationships, or in one's spiritual path - Ruby can provide the energy to get things moving. This stone is a magnet for novelty and adventure. Its vibrations seem to attract opportunities for unexpected shifts of scenery and/or situation. When you wear or carry ruby, it is as if the synchronicity angels can see you better, and they send you more beneficial surprises. And for those who tend toward timidity and "security", Ruby prompts you to say yes before you can think of a reason to say no.

Ruby is a stone of courage. It assuages doubt and assists one in dealing with anxiety. It helps one become comfortable with the unknown and teaches one not to fear death. Ruby's message is "Better to die than not to live". With its magnetism for novelty and synchronicity, Ruby often brings one into situations in which one must face old fears. Yet it also teaches one to enjoy the thrill of such confrontations. Courage, after all, is not the absence of fear - it is moving forward in the face of fear. Ruby inspires you to keep going.

Ruby inspires the protective aspects of one's character. It encourages one to step forward and stand up for those who are threatened, whether they be friends, children, animals, trees, a homeless stranger or victims of war in another country. It prods one to speak truth to power, even when one may feel vulnerable. It compels one to "rock the boat" if the captain is corrupt. Ruby helps you be the kind of person you would look up to.

Ruby carries the frequency of the enlightened base chakra. It stimulates the flow of life-force energy or chi through the body, strengthens one's ability to meet one's needs and manifest one's desires, and can be a catalyst for the activation of the kundalini.

Ruby is a traditional prosperity stone. It assists one in meeting one's needs on all levels of being and is particularly good at attracting wealth. It stimulates sexual energy and desire and can aid one in overcoming sexual dysfunction and some types of infertility. Ruby assists in connecting one's energy field to the Earth, allowing one to replenish one's energy stores. It is excellent for grounding and can be used to counter spaciness, dizziness, and other symptoms of energetic overload. It is an excellent support in times of stress or when one must go the extra mile before having the opportunity to rest.

Ruby speaks of the sensual pleasures of life- of beauty and the expression of one's creative energy. It is a powerful stone for those who are trying to develop a more loving attitude toward their physical bodies and can be a great help in regulating the metabolism. Ruby can assist victims of sexual abuse to heal their connection to their bodies. It encourages one to express love for oneself by taking care of the physical vehicle. For this reason, it can also be a great support for those who are in recovery from addiction or self-abuse.

Ruby teaches one to enjoy being in the physical world. It helps one perceive the spiritual energy that exists throughout the realm of matter, and offers lessons in mastering the transformation of thought and intent into physical manifestation. Ruby helps one release the physical imprint of past emotional trauma or physical abuse from the cellular record.

Ruby is excellent for those repelled by being in a body in the physical world. It can help one feel more engaged in life and more loving toward one's physical body and human existence.

Ruby is an excellent healing stone for the first and second chakras. It can be used to treat inadequate circulation or energy flow in the feet and legs. It is often used for treatment of sexual dysfunction and infertility. It can be used to assist in weight regulation, particularly where excess weight is held in the body in order to ground one in the physical world.

I am a Reiki Master/Teacher and Crystal Healer. I specialize in high frequency healing stones, and I guarantee that all my crystals are 100% genuine.

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Crystal and gemstone therapy is not meant to take the place of medical advice or treatment. Rather, it is a useful adjunct to medical or naturopathic care.