White Clip Lamp Light 6' Electric Accessory Cord with Socket on/off Switch

White Clip Lamp Light 6' Electric Accessory Cord with Socket on/off Switch



6 foot white with on/off switch & 5 watt bulb

Easily light pumpkins, villages, small figurines and more!

These brand new lamp cords are ready to use, simply plug in and enjoy! Absolutely no wiring  or experience needed!

These cords make it easy to light up small villages, Christmas scenes, pumpkins, night lights, and more. 

Completely assembled with On/Off Switch and molded end plug- ready to use! 

Sockets are candelabra base light bulbs and clip into any hole 1" in diameter. 

White SPT-1 cord length is 6 feet long. On/off switch is 18" from the plug end.

The light bulb is 5 watt, clear, steady burning candelabra base.

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