QRAA Underarm Whitening Color Correction Mask 200 gm For Dark Underarms

It is free of colorants, Parabens and any kind of synthetic additives or strong bleaching agents and possess strong antioxidant properties to be precise.
Comes enriched with the goodness of Activated Charcoal, Peppermint Leaf oil, Tea Tree oil and other essential oils and extracts that helps keep the skin moisturised and well-nourished from the core.
It helps keep your skin soft and supple and, in the endeavour, not only helps smoothen the dark underarms and whiten the epidermis, but in addition adds to the fairness quotient without the harmful effects of bleaching.
Completely organic that helps whiten stubborn dark underarms with unwanted patches and irritating marks and spots in a quick span.
It is a quick detox that deodorises the underarms and provides for coloration benefits that reduces discoloration.

‘Qraa Underarm Whitening Color Correction Mask’ is this revolutionary product from the house of Qraa that can help do away with dark underarms and stubborn black spots in just a short span. From doing away with stubborn dark patchy underarms to that of removing rashes, warts and dark spots from the underarm area, this exceptional mask is sure to cater to it all. After much planning and research, Qraa is here with this brilliant Color Correction Mask that is sure to provide for an array of benefits in getting you that perfect underarms that you had always desired and dreams of flaunting.