Soyuz TMA-3 flown heat-shield fragment and Soyuz TMA-3 flown heat-resistant ablative coating fragment in presentational boxes (size of the box 1"x1"3/4"), two photos of Soyuz TMA-3 landing, size 5"x7. 

 The letter of authenticity will come with these artefacts.

 Soyuz TMA-3 is the third flight for the TMA modification of the Soyuz spacecraft, and the 7th Soyuz to fly to the ISS.

Crew: the commander of the Soyuz - A. Kaleri (Russia), the flight engineer - M. Foale (USA), and Pedro Duque from Spain - the second flight engineer. After docking with the ISS, they exchanged the current crew on ISS and became the eighth station crew, called "ISS Expedition Eight". During the stay on the station Michael Foale was the ISS Commander, while Alexander Kaleri was the engineer. Foale is the first American to have served on both Mir and the ISS. Pedro Duque performed some ESA sponsored science experiments under the mission name Cervantes and then returned with the ISS 7 crew on Soyuz TMA-2.

On April 30, 2004, after nine days of handover activities onboard the station, the Expedition 8 crew along with ESA astronaut André Kuipers, who arrived with Soyuz TMA-4 nine days earlier, boarded Soyuz TMA-3 spacecraft.

The Soyuz TMA-3 capsule successfully landed in Kazakhstan. A minor helium leak did not affect their mission.