Pro-f - Shrimp Enhancer

Products Indoor Pro-f Pro-f - Shrimp Enhancer
Pro-f Shrimp Enhancer
Highly nutritious blend of animal and plant proteins which assists exoskeleton and moulting.

The unique physiology of shrimp among aquarium inhabitants requires a specialised diet. In conjunction with their staple diet of aquarium algae, Shrimp Enhancer provides supplementary nutrition for their specific requirements. The blend of animal and plant proteins provides the wide amino acid profile essential for the production of their exoskeletons. Stabilised vitamin C, calcium, magnesium, and multi-vitamin mix assist in the moulting process and promote good health for reproduction. The small granules of Shrimp Enhancer allow shrimp to feed without expending energy on food competition. Shrimp Enhancer is highly digestible thereby producing less waste and improved water quality.

Wheat, Fish Meal, Lucerne Protein, Spirulina, Fish Oil, Wheat Gluten, Squid Meal, Krill Meal.

Protein 33%, Fat 7%, Fibre 1.8%, Ash 10.2%.

Vitamins per kg: A 24976 IU, D3 1837 IU, E 220 mg, C (stable) 344 mg