VulgarisMAX ©
Genital Wart Removal Treatment

Guaranteed to Work, or Money Back!
We have so much confidence in our product that if you are not satisfied with the progress of the treatment, simply send us a message, and we'll give you a no questions asked full refund.
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VulgarisMAX© is a product designed to remove warts. It works on warts anywhere on
the body and is safe to use on the genital area for both males and females.

Please read the usage instructions carefully.

There are no known interactions with any other treatments and there are no reported
allergic reaction issues with any of the ingredients, but as with all new products, it is
advisable to complete a skin patch test on the inside of your arm 24 hours before first


It is very important that you shake the bottle well before every use. The bottle contains
natural acids and oils, which naturally separate. The natural acid and oil content are
both essential components of the treatment.

For most warts:

Apply on the wart in the evening generously, and attach a plaster on top of the wart
to keep the treatment in contact with the wart for as long as possible. Remove the
plaster in the morning and repeat. This is the fastest way to remove warts. You
should notice a visible improvement within a few days, but it may take up to 1 week
of application to completely remove the wart.

For areas on the body where it may be difficult to apply a plaster: (I.E. Genitals)

Apply on the wart 4 times per day. Try to leave the treatment in contact with the wart
for as long as possible without it drying out or wiping it off.
VulgarisMAX© contains natural acid content which has a very distinct smell. This can
be a little unpleasant for some users. The smell should only last around 15-20 minutes
after application. It is better to have to deal with an unpleasant smell for a few days
rather than have an unsightly wart for life

Buy 2 get 1 Free Offer:
Warts have a tendency to come back at a later stage. Its easy to safely and quickly remove any given wart using our treatment, but as warts are a viral issue, they have the potential to come back later on. The reason we offer buy 2 get 1 free is so that customers can purchase extra treatment, so that they always have a bottle on hand if required in future. Its worth having more than you need, just incase.

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