Kit Completo Ritual de la Santa Muerte 

Utilice este kit para situaciones urgentes o difíciles, comience con el baño de hierbas para realizar una Limpieza Espiritual. Usa los palitos de difuminado para purificar tu casa o negocio. Use uno al comienzo del ritual y otro al final de su ritual. Su jabón en barra debe usarse diariamente hasta que se consuma por completo. Los 7 Amuletos tienen una oración diferente en cada uno y se deben usar/leer una vez a la semana.

Sacred Holy Death 7 Color Abundance Ritual Kit 4pc

Use this kit for urgent or difficult situations, Start with the herbal bath to perform a Spiritual Cleanse. Use the smudge sticks to purify your house, or business. Use one at the beginning of the ritual and one at the end of your ritual. Your bar soap is meant to be used a daily basis until fully consumed. The 7 Amulets have a different prayer on each and should be used/read once a week. 

I'm dedicated to providing 5 gold star service and 100% satisfaction to every buyer. 

Please email me via ebay with any questions or concerns before bidding and/or after receiving product

  I will do my best to resolve any problem. 

Thank You! 

Disclaimer: Pursuant to the current State and Federal laws, we are unable to make any claim as to the effectiveness either magickal or medicinal of any of our products. While our products are either traditional or specific to the craft we are unable to make any guarantees and must advise they are "Sold as Curios Only"