Tiffany Stone Pendant

RRP $149.95

Item Details:


6.1 cm


2.8 cm


0.9 cm





Tiffany stone is a trade name used for a purple, blue and white material often used in jewellery. Tiffany stone is a rock composed primarily of fluorite with smaller amounts of opal, calcite, dolomite, quartz, chalcedony, bertrandite and others. Other names include ‘opalised fluorite’, ‘ice cream stone and ‘bertrandite.’ Tiffany stone is a rare material found at the Brush Wellman beryllium mine, Spor Mountain, Utah, USA.

Metaphysical Properties:

It is believed tiffany stone is a stone with extremely high-vibrational properties, most closely associated with healing, transformation, abundance and love. It offers deep protection from negative energy on the physical plane, the spiritual realm and in psychic communication.  Believed to open, activate and heal the Root, Heart, Throat, Third Eye and Crown Chakras, connecting wisdom and psychic energy from higher dimensions with loving communication and grounds it into sexual passion and vitality. A stone of transition, tiffany stone also helps us detach from the old and call in the new and eases our hearts, bodies and souls through periods of change and transformation.

This information is to be used for reference purposes only and does not constitute advice. There is currently no scientific evidence to support crystal healing.