Boston Winter Squash - 3 Quality Seeds - Plastic Free Packaging

Boston squash or Boston Marrow as it is also known is a widely adapted, ultra-early hubbard squash and is ideal for short-season areas. This heirloom squash has more than 200 years of documented history and originated in the upstate New York area. Legend has it that Native Americans gifted the squash to colonists and seeds were distributed around the country. It soon became one of the most important squashes for over 150 years, but lost its way in modern times. In recent years, with the interest in heirloom varieties of vegetables, it is starting to feature once more with seed companies.

It makes beautiful large (sometimes very large) fruit, often with a slightly crooked shape. It is one of the larger hubbards, with beautiful yellow-orange skin. The skin helps it keep for a long time, starting out yellow and then turning golden orange after midsummer. Vigorous vines and very productive, even in cooler parts of the country.

All squash need warmth to germinate, around 25C. Sow April/May in small to medium sized pots and keep warm until germination. Grow on under cover until 3 true leaves have formed and plant out about 4-5' ft apart. These are very heavy feeders and need fertile, well manured soil to do best. Dig in a large bucket of well rotted manure/compost under each plant and water well in dry periods. Stressed plants (too close together or soil not fertile enough) will produce only male flowers or none at all.

All orders are normally dispatched by the next working day in plastic free packaging.