If you're a filmmaker or photographer, you're never too happy with the large number of different heavy accessories you need to carry around. You're even more frustrated when you need to screw these accessories up and down when switching modes and accessories, such as handheld, tripod, stabilizer, or slide rail. And also you are always not at ease with the quick-release parts and feel that they are wobbly and not stable enough. Now you can rely on Ulanzi x Falcam F22 Quick Release System to put this outdated way of doing things behind.




About Us

Founded in 2016 by a team of the photographer lovers, our original vision is not only to collect high quality and stylish products from the world, but also to develop own products with fabulous and yet practical design.

We specialize in the development of mobile phone photography and other photographic equipment accessories, mainly based on mobile video accessories such as mobile phone stabilizer, rigs, microphone, LED lights, fixed bracket, lens, tripod,action camera accessories,etc.

FALCAM F22 Basic Quick Release Plate Kit

Convert 1/4" Thread to F22 QR System

The F22 Quick Release System offers a true quick-release experience that we know is so essential for professional filmmakers&photographers. By adopting a “mortise-tenon joint”, which is a combination of concave-convex structures, we designed it to be extremely flexible and stable once installed.

With the F22 QR System, you don't need to waste time screwing and unscrewing camera on and off the tripod, or be delayed by cumbersome and impractical accessories. With F22, you're always ready to shoot!




Anti-Slip Rubber Pad

Prevent camera from scratches on bottom and get cam in fixed position.

Anti-deflection Design

Equipped with positioning column to reduce deflection during multi-angle shooting.

Ultra Quick Release

With simple "SLIDE-IN" and "SLIDE-OUT" operations, you can seamlessly mount and release in the fastest and most efficient way.

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