Despite having lost everything, the first words uttered by the Rebbe upon his liberation were "Baruch Hashem, we have been saved!"
In the fires of the Nazi inferno, Rav Yekusiel Yehudah Halberstam, the Klausenberger Rebbe, was an inspirational life force to thousands of Jews.The Klausenberger Rebbe: The War Years, the first volume in this bestselling biography, translated from the Hebrew 
"Lapid HaEish" by Aharon Surasky, tells the Rebbe's miraculous survival story and documents the countless acts of chesed that he performed during one of history's darkest moments.
Now, in this second volume, we see how, with complete and unwavering faith in his Creator, the Rebbe immediately began what would become his lifelong mission, rebuilding first in the DP camps in Europe, then in America, and later in Eretz Yisrael.
And rebuild he did. 
Rebuilding is the inspiring story of the Rebbe's extraordinary efforts, in the years following his liberation from the Nazi death camps, to restore the Sanz-Klausenberg Chassidic dynasty to its previous glory. In doing so, he built dozens of yeshivos and cheders around the world and opened the first chassidic kollel in America, revolutionizing the idea of full-time Torah study on American shores. Then he fulfilled a lifelong dream by settling in Eretz Yisrael and developing Kiryat Sanz, a chassidic community in Netanyah which would serve as the foundation for the Rebbe's work in the years that followed.
Rebuilding is the rich biographical sketch of the Rebbe's pure ahavas Yisrael and the story of how he transformed his personal suffering into opportunities to heal the broken lives, hearts, and souls of the generation of the Holocaust. Rebuilding is a testimony to the Rebbe's life's work and his legacy of selfless deeds, endless examples of kiddush Hashem that would lay the foundation for the physical and spiritual lives of generations to come.