Shungite Pendant

This very nice Shungite pendant features a 30mm x 7mm stone, in Sterling Silver setting. The pendant is 40mm long.

Shungite is a unique combination of carbon and silicate minerals found in an ancient deposit in Karelia Russia. It is believed to be around 2 billion years old. It is an extraordinarily positive stone... and using it may bring you a variety of blessings. This is an amazing stone, and one that is beneficial to a healthy life. 

Its uniqueness stems from the presence of hollow molecular carbon cages known as Fullerenes, (also called buckyballs) they look like soccer balls - molecular hexagons and pentagons bound together in a hollow cage or tube.  They were named after the noted architect, Buckminster Fuller because they follow the same architectural pattern as the geodesic domes he created. 

Fullerenes were discovered in 1985 by Robert Curl and Richard Smalley, together with Harold Kroto.  They were awarded the Noble Prize in Chemistry in 1986. 

Shungite consists of fine crystalline silicate minerals in an amorphous carbon matrix. The silicate particles are approximately 0.5 to 1 micron in size. Shungite is made up of spherical structures called fullerenes rarely found in naturally occurring minerals. Shungite is electrically conductive, has high strength, density, chemical resistance, catalytic, adsorptive and redox properties.

This is a rare stone and has been found only in the Karelia region of Russia near the small settlement called Shunga. Hence the name Shungite. It is not new to people of the region, as Russian Tsar, Peter the Great, supplied a piece of shungite to each of his troops to purify their drinking water.  History records that when an epidemic of dysentery broke out during the Battle of Poltava between Russia and Sweden, the Swedish forces did not have the shungite advantage to clean their water and, weakened by dysentery, lost the war (1709).

It is still a mystery as how it came to occur on this planet. Some say Shungite may have been formed in ancient oceans, from the sediment of micro organisms that fossilized and ended up on the land when land forms changed. Others think maybe it came to earth from outer space on possibly a giant meteorite. This I believe is because the only other known natural source for Fullerenes is in meteorites.
Yet another study believes it to be fossilized hydro carbons or oil and the research was quite extensive I personally believe the the best answer.

Really no one knows and it seems to me that scientists are guessing at how it formed. How it formed is interesting but is it crucial to know this? What is important to me is how this stone works in your life, and the fact that it contains Fullerenes.
There has been dedicated research done on fullerenes... and the scientists doing this research won the Noble prize as it was deemed that their work was so important to mankind. Fullerenes are powerful anti-oxidants... and their presence in this stone seems to be quite unique. It has been noted that this stone has strong healing qualities... and that Shungite will help to neutralize any organism within your body that is harmful to you. This is an amazing claim... but this black stone has been in use for a very long time in Russia where they have been documenting these qualities. Since this stone was discovered in Russia in the 1700's, they have been recording amazing results from its use. Fullerenes resonate in the far infrared spectrum with all forms of living matter. They are thought to be connected with the generation of life.

Among the list of contaminants it will remove are: bacteria (and other microbes), nitrates, heavy metals, pesticides, volatile organics, pharmaceuticals, chlorine, and fluoride.  Its ability to cleanse water goes far beyond carbon filtration as demonstrated by the water from Onega near the shungite deposit in Russia. Water from the lake can be used today for drinking without any prior treatment—the result of thousands of years of interaction with shungite.
Shungite is a powerful stone to shield you from the electro-magnetic radiation given off by electrical equipment... including computers, mobile phones, microwaves and televisions. 

It may be in a variety of shapes including spheres or pieces of stone that have been carved in pyramids... as well as pendulums. Any type of shape can be utilized for this purpose.

It has been the unique properties of this stone that got the attention of scientists... particularly the fact that it contains fullerenes. This stone is the only known natural source of fullerenes... so this has made the scientists who have been testing it extremely interested in, not only its properties... but how mankind can use it.

It is fascinating to look at possible future uses that are being planned for this newly discovered compound.

Fullerenes are being investigated for many industrial uses and some of these are quite interesting. Some of the uses they hope to use Fullerenes for in the future are: in makeup to stop UV damage, as part of solar electric generating devices in place of silicone.... and as a future part of techniques to help allergic conditions, including asthma.

They have discovered a list of quite disparate properties... and their presence in this stone is also unique... according to documented evidence collected on it. The people of the area where it was found have used it for a very long time.

It is said to purify water so they would infuse water with it... which they drink. There have been many documented health benefits... with an extensive number of people who come long distances to take the cure... as it is said to heal a diverse range of health problems.  

Researches of shungite have also shown that direct contact of the stone with the human body ensures relief from pain and releases from a number of serious illnesses, especially of musculoskeletal system, skin diseases, contributes to a rapid healing of cuts, etc.

Taking into account its healing properties, shungite is successfully being used in medicine, ecology, agriculture, water supply, metallurgy, energetics, chemical, and construction industries. Shungite in its pure form is used as inserts in the floor of the Kazan Cathedral. St. Isaac's Cathedral entire inner lower belt made of the shungite stone.

Shungite is an excellent stone for magical and mystical work. It grounds spiritual energy to bring it into the Earth plane existence. Shungite is also used to bring Light into the auric energy field, allowing positive energy only to reach within that field. This brings not only physical protection, but also psychic protection. It is said to be protection against negative energies.

Shungite is said to calm and relax anyone using or near it. This may be due to its protective energies and rejection of negative energy.

Shungite is used in crystal healing and local folk healing for the immune system, hair growth, skin diseases and deformations,  antioxidants, fight free radicals, cancer, rheumatic arthritis, osteoarthritis, musculo-skeletal disorders, liver disease, kidney disease, GI problems, headaches, insomnia, back pain and spinal problems, balancing blood pressure to ideal level, respiratory issues, infections, purify blood, minor headaches, protection against electromagnetic radiation issues, anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial, pain relief, rapid healing and more. It is considered by many to be a miracle healing stone.

Shungite is related to the root or base chakra.

I am a Reiki Master/Teacher and Crystal Healer. I specialize in high frequency healing stones, and I guarantee that all my crystals are 100% genuine.

Crystal and gemstone therapy is not meant to take the place of medical advice or treatment. Rather, it is a useful adjunct to medical or naturopathic care.

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